
I've been testing Bacula 2.0.2 for about a week now with the following config:
- All deamons on various Win32 boxes (2Ksrv, XP pro),
- sqlite for the catalog.
Now that everyting is working quite well, i'd like to use a MySQL database for
the catalog instead of the default sqlite.

So I install everything from scratch on a new box. The Win32 installer correctly
sees the MySQL instance precedly installed 'Found MySQL (version 5.0.27)' in the
messages list, but:
1/ all the MySQL related scripts *mysql*.(sql)|(cmd) are not installed (neither
mind, got them from the source tarball)
2/ the director is enable to connect to the MySQL database (I can manually
connect to the bacula database with the MySQL command line Client and yes: the
database is created, the tables too)
When starting the Director (bacula-dir.exe) the error message is as follow:
'bacula-dir Fatal error: ../../cats/sqlite.c:154 Database
<FullPathTodatabase_name>.db does not exist, please create it'
==> Seems that there is only the sqlite'support compiled into the binaries?
==> I played with the various items in the catalog{} ressource (DB Address, DB
Port) with no luck.
==> By the way here is my Catalog ressource in the bacula-dir.conf:
Catalog {
Name = Catalog1
DBName = bacula        #<== matchs the MySQL database created
user = bacula
password = bacula      #<== I can manually connect to the database with this
DBAddress = "localhost" #<== tested with , FQN, too but no luck
DBPort = 3306          #<== with or without this option

Any hint or help will be greatly appreciated (as I can't find any topic in the
doc and/or newsgroups)

Many thanks in advance.


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