> > > How do I output the results of the bconsole 'list' command to a
> > > I've outputted from the 'bls' command quite easily.
> > >
> Use
> @output filename
> list files jobid=8295
> @output

Okay, I've learned a thing here! Thanks for the tip.

I've outputted a list of files from this and compared with the bls
Even though the bconsole 'list' files reports 989 lines, there are
actually only 988 lines as far as I can determine. The output between
bls output and the list output is identical in every respect except for
the lines of output reported by each. 988 versus 989.

Is this a VSS error?

> > I forgot to report that the bls output indicated 988 files. So the
> > file should be in the output from the bconsole 'list' command.
> No, I was expecting bls to show 989 files.  The bconsole 'list'
> should
> match the SQL commands because it uses the same data.
> It might be something caused by VSS.  What is the output of
> SELECT ObjectName, ObjectType, FileIndex
>        FROM RestoreObject
>        WHERE JobId=8295;

bacula=# SELECT ObjectName, ObjectType, FileIndex
bacula-#        FROM RestoreObject
bacula-#        WHERE JobId=8295;
    objectname    | objecttype | fileindex
 job_metadata.xml |         25 |       989
(1 row)


How do I output a list of files from this in order to compare?


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