I may have asked this question before, but has anyone had any luck with 
getting Bacula to utilize a hardware crypto accelerator for FD 
encryption?  Setting the engine(3) options in openssl.cnf do not appear 
to have any affect.  This can be confirmed with statistic programs which 
hook into the crypto drivers, showing that no data is being processed by 
the accelerator during backups.

A few months ago I attempted a patch to add OpenSSL engine(3) selection 
support to the Bacula source code.  This was unsuccessful, as merely 
selecting and enabling the hardware crypto engine will cause Bacula to 
crash upon updating the cipher context.  Based on various similar 
examples I have coded, the best I can come up with is that this has 
something to do with the IV generation / IVs that are being used.  Does 
anyone have any ideas here?

This is a valuable feature to support.  When backing up large amounts of 
data, I have witnessed almost a quadrupling of the job run time after 
simply enabling FD encryption.  Rates drop from 15MB/sec to under 
5MB/sec, making backups take way too long.  It is also easy to monitor 
the massive load which they put upon the CPU.

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