Larry Ludwig wrote:
> Hi we are use bacula for our backups.  So far I like all of it's
> features and how it performs.  More research into the "Migrate" function
> and will not work the way it's currently implemented (2.2.6)
> We currently have a large NAS server which we backup all servers to on a
> nightly basis.  No tape library is installed.  We would like to use the
> Migrate function to move data off site via a VPN to another location
> after a specific age. At our other data center we also have a large NAS
> server.  
> The issue is this which appears in the online docs:
> "Migration is only implemented for a single Storage daemon. You cannot
> read on one Storage daemon and write on another."
> I tried it and sure enough it doesn't work.  All jobs get into a waiting
> state.
> Since the other storage daemon is on another server located at our other
> data center, which means a seperate storage daemon, this then makes
> Migration function useless for what we would like to do.  FYI to the
> developers this "feature" then makes the migrate function very limited. 
> I would be curious why it was implemented this way.
> My question is how then can we implement off site backups via a network
> transfer.  use rsync to move the existing bacula pool files??  Ideally I
> would like to do it directly within bacula.  Is there a method to do
> this within bacula?

I don't think there currently exists any good method within Bacula.  Your best
bet is probably to rsync the backup files for now.  I would suggest triggering
an rsync (or other copy protocol) from a post job script.

If you wanted to get a little fancier, you could set up a job on the remote
end that bscan's the volumes into a separate director and catalog.

Also, there's rumored to be a new version coming up in the next few months, if
everything goes to plan.  Typically kern puts out a request for voting on new
features, so keep an eye out to put your vote in for SD to SD migration.

Frank Sweetser fs at  |  For every problem, there is a solution that
WPI Senior Network Engineer   |  is simple, elegant, and wrong. - HL Mencken
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