Hi every:
I need send a beeper message when a Bacula Jobs fails. For this I write this in 

JobDefs {
  Name = "DefinicionPorDefectoParaCopias"
  Type = Backup
  Level = Incremental
  Storage = FileSAN
  Messages = Standard
  Priority = 5 #Es la opcion por defecto, a mayor numero menos prioridad
  Reschedule on error = yes
  Reschedule interval = 1 hour
  Reschedule times = 2
  Max Start Delay = 8 hours
  RunScript {
    RunsWhen = After
    RunsOnFailure = yes
    Command = /etc/bacula/scripts/paging.pl 23744 Job %n: %e

Now the paging.pl script is this one:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This script send beeper to movitel (v 1.1)
# Usage:
#       paging.pl <PIN> <Message>
use strict;

#Modulos para hacer un request HTTP
use LWP::UserAgent;
require HTTP::Request::Common;
require HTTP::Headers;

if ((defined($ARGV[0])) and (defined($ARGV[1])))
  my $pin = $ARGV[0];
  my $mess = substr($ARGV[1],0,119);
  my $url  = 'http://www.movitel.co.cu/cgi-bin/paging-send.pl';
  #printf "$pin|$mess\n";

  #INPUT Values from the web page of movitel
  my $tserv = 1;
  my $PIN = $pin;
  my $Msg = $mess;
  my $ok = 'http://www.movitel.co.cu/index.php?page=envios_ok';
  my $error = 'http://www.movitel.co.cu/index.php?page=envios_error';
  my $Submit2 = 'Enviar';

  my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new;

  #my $header = HTTP::Headers->new(Content_Type => 'text/html; 
  #my $Request = 
  #printf $Request->as_string();
  #my $Response = $browser->request($Request);

  # send it 2 times to ensure it arrives
  my $Response = 
  $Response = 

  my $Resultado = $Response->content();

  my $Resp = "Unknow";
  if ($Resultado =~ /page\=envios_ok/i) {
    $Resp = "0k";
  if ($Resultado =~ /page\=envios_error/i) {
    $Resp = "Error";

  #printf $Resultado;
  my $time = localtime;
  open  File,">>/var/log/nagios/paging.log";
  print File "$time\|$pin\|$mess\|$Resp(movitel)\n";
  close File;

But Bacula never send me a message. What's wrong here?

Cheers and thanks in advance
Ing. Reynier PĂ©rez Mira

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