Hello Everybody

I'm running bacula for quite a while now and also for a quite a high 
volume on NAS devices. Most of it is running smootly but I do not 
understand _that_  volume recycling issue:

The files are generally limited to 2G in size.
 From previous backups, the volume "Vol_0058" has been filled up to 
1999936660 bytes.
Now, the volume is recycled:

14-Nov 23:06 tormore-dir: There are no more Jobs associated with Volume 
"Vol_0058". Marking it purged.
14-Nov 23:06 tormore-dir: All records pruned from Volume "Vol_0058"; 
marking it "Purged"
14-Nov 23:06 tormore-dir: Recycled volume "Vol_0058"
14-Nov 23:06 tormore-sd: Recycled volume "Vol_0058" on device 
"FileStorage" (/mnt/storage/bacula), all previous data lost.

I expect the volume being reused leaving the size as it is. The job runs 
thru and terminates with 522,632,654 written bytes on that volume that 
still is 1999936660 bytes.

14-Nov 23:11 tormore-sd: Job write elapsed time = 00:04:50, Transfer 
rate = 1.800 M bytes/second
14-Nov 23:11 tormore-dir: Bacula tormore-dir 2.2.4 (14Sep07): 
14-Nov-2007 23:11:36
  Build OS:               i686-pc-linux-gnu debian 4.0
  JobId:                  929
  Job:                    srv_to_File.2007-11-14_23.05.02
  Backup Level:           Incremental, since=2007-11-13 23:11:20
  Client:                 "tormore-fd" 2.2.4 (14Sep07) 
  FileSet:                "srv" 2007-06-12 20:32:19
  Pool:                   "Default" (From Job resource)
  Storage:                "File" (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time:         14-Nov-2007 23:05:01
  Start time:             14-Nov-2007 23:06:43
  End time:               14-Nov-2007 23:11:36
  Elapsed time:           4 mins 53 secs
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       407
  SD Files Written:       407
  FD Bytes Written:       522,170,750 (522.1 MB)
  SD Bytes Written:       522,232,428 (522.2 MB)
  Rate:                   1782.2 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  VSS:                    no
  Encryption:             no
  Volume name(s):         Vol_0058
  Volume Session Id:      181
  Volume Session Time:    1191482842
  Last Volume Bytes:      522,632,654 (522.6 MB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Backup OK

14-Nov 23:11 tormore-dir: Begin pruning Jobs.
14-Nov 23:11 tormore-dir: No Jobs found to prune.
14-Nov 23:11 tormore-dir: Begin pruning Files.
14-Nov 23:11 tormore-dir: No Files found to prune.
14-Nov 23:11 tormore-dir: End auto prune.

Now, the next job starts which should continue writing to Vol_0058. But 
look at this:

14-Nov 23:11 tormore-dir: BeforeJob: run command 
"/etc/bacula/scripts/make_catalog_backup bacula bacula bacula"
14-Nov 23:11 tormore-dir: Start Backup JobId 930, 
14-Nov 23:11 tormore-dir: Using Device "FileStorage"
14-Nov 23:11 tormore-sd: Volume "Vol_0058" previously written, moving to 
end of data.
14-Nov 23:11 tormore-sd: BackupCatalog.2007-11-14_23.10.00 Error: Bacula 
cannot write on disk Volume "Vol_0058" because: The sizes do not match! 
Volume=1999936660 Catalog=522632654
14-Nov 23:11 tormore-sd: Marking Volume "Vol_0058" in Error in Catalog.

So why doesn't bacula delete the file and recreate it when recycling - 
if it can't handle a volume that keeps its size?
Why does it write a volume size into the catalog that does not reflect 
the true file size on disk?

I've already reported this as a bug but I was told this behaviour was 
correct, which I do not understand. Veritas which I'm also using doesn't 
provoke such mismatches...

Can someone explain me why bacula is correct here?



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