On 2007.05.25. 23:13, Arno Lehmann wrote:
>> as for the method, what about using a wiki page for feature requests ?
>> that way permanent links to versions could be used for voting results, 
>> but head could be used to add new ones, fix typos and so on.
> Yeah... well... difficult question.
> If you know a wiki system where you can do votes the way we always did 
> them (or have good arguments for changing the voting process), I'm very 
> open for suggestions :-)

i was unable to subscribe to sourceforge lists for some time, but if i 
understand correctly, voting is done by sending a mail to voting 
address, right ?

i would guess then a script calculates all the votes, and the result is 
put up on the webpage.

making the result go in wiki (which would allow for easy updating), then 
refer to particular revision for voting, and just put up results in 
either a separate, or the same wiki page - that probably would not 
change current voting process much.

all other suggested possibilities indeed seem to be a bit of an overkill 
to me (unless any of them gets implemented for other reasons, like 
bugzilla or something).

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