Hi folks,

I'm having a problem with my bacula setup: Bacula creates a new volume
in an 8-volume pool that already has 8 volumes in it, then waits for a
mount of the new volume.

Background: I recently played around with a 2nd changer & tape in the
same pool and had to increase the maxvols parameter to 16. Things
didn't work out as expected, to I removed the 2nd changer / tape,
deleted the new volumes in the pool and reduced the number of volumes
back to 8. 

Here's the pool definition: 

Pool {
  Name = Offline
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes                       # Bacula can recycle Volumes

  Purge Oldest Volume = yes
  Volume Retention = 6 months           # 20 days
#  Accept Any Volume = yes             # write on any volume in the pool
  Maximum Volumes = 8

  Recycle Oldest Volume = yes
  LabelFormat ="OFFLINE_"

However when I issue an update "pool from resource", I still see the
number 15, not 8 as it should be: 

|      3 | Offline |      15 |      15 |       0 |          1 |
1 |   15,552,000 |              0 |          0 |           0 |
0 |         1 |       1 | Backup   |         0 | OFFLINE_    |       1
|             0 |             0 |          0 |                  0 |
0 |             0 |

"show pool" shows the correct pool definition: 

Pool: name=Offline PoolType=Backup
      use_cat=1 use_once=0 cat_files=1
      max_vols=8 auto_prune=1 VolRetention=6 months
      VolUse=0 secs recycle=1 LabelFormat=OFFLINE_
      CleaningPrefix=*None* LabelType=0
      RecyleOldest=1 PurgeOldest=1
      MaxVolJobs=0 MaxVolFiles=0 MaxVolBytes=0
      MigTime=0 secs MigHiBytes=0 MigLoBytes=0

So currently, i have to manually delete the new tape, then issue a
"mount" using another autochanger slot to get bacula to run jobs

Any help with getting Bacula back to recycling old tapes again would
be greatly appreciated, version in use is 2.2.8 which has been working
fine for a year or so. 

All the best & thanks in advance, 


uwe.schuerk...@nionex.net phone: [+49] 5242.91 - 4740, fax:-69 72
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Registergericht Guetersloh HRB 4196, Geschaeftsfuehrer: Horst Gosewehr
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