Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-11-22 Thread Marco Gaiarin
Mandi! Marco Gaiarin
  In chel di` si favelave...

> OK, things start working. The script do correctly snapshot; if needed, i can
> simply mount the snapshot elsewhere via a simple 'mount -t zfs'.

Ok, only a note to say, afer some long time, that i've abandoned the 'zfs
snapshot' script.

After some test in some real wold scenario i got without snapshot:

14-Nov 17:43 svpve3-sd JobId 29940: Elapsed time=48:14:20, Transfer 
rate=19.31 M Bytes/second
  FD Files Written:   22,001,262
  FD Bytes Written:   3,348,102,512,393 (3.348 TB)

and with snapshot:

21-Nov 16:03 svpve3-sd JobId 30339: Elapsed time=47:19:10, Transfer 
rate=19.69 M Bytes/second
  FD Files Written:   21,997,689
  FD Bytes Written:   3,348,098,003,450 (3.348 TB)

a roughly 1,9% gain. Probably other scenario can gain better (or worster)
but this is mine, an considering the complication of handing path with
'strippath' in the game.

Simply, it's not worth.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-10-16 Thread Dragan Milivojević
> You select only the Incremental job to restore, of course the data
> is in one of the previous job. We can probably improve the error
> message, or remove the meta-data-only record that is reported
> as a file.
> I do not recommend to use the jobid= parameter in the restore
> command line unless you want to use some advanced scenario. In
> general it's not a big issue, but here, records depend on a previous
> job that is not included in your restore.
> Just use the restore menu 5 or 12, it should work, if not, please open
> an issue on the bug tracker.

Changed files and new files should be in that job, I tested this a
number of times.

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-10-16 Thread Eric Bollengier via Bacula-users

Hello Dragan,

On 9/27/24 14:16, Dragan Milivojević wrote:

Search the mailing list for a thread that I started a few days ago. It
breaks bacula by saving empty files, no metadata, only name is saved.

I have looked more closely, and your restore command is incorrect.

You select only the Incremental job to restore, of course the data
is in one of the previous job. We can probably improve the error
message, or remove the meta-data-only record that is reported
as a file.

I do not recommend to use the jobid= parameter in the restore
command line unless you want to use some advanced scenario. In
general it's not a big issue, but here, records depend on a previous
job that is not included in your restore.

Just use the restore menu 5 or 12, it should work, if not, please open
an issue on the bug tracker.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-10-15 Thread Eric Bollengier via Bacula-users

Hello Dragan,

On 9/27/24 14:16, Dragan Milivojević wrote:

Search the mailing list for a thread that I started a few days ago. It
breaks bacula by saving empty files, no metadata, only name is saved.

Did you open an issue on the bug tracker?


Best Regards,

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-10-11 Thread Marco Gaiarin
Mandi! Marco Gaiarin
  In chel di` si favelave...

> No, i'm still working on snapshotting, next step backup; i've not clear if
> Include{} and Exclude{} fileset directive apply to 'stippath' or
> 'non-strippath' path...

OK, things start working. The script do correctly snapshot; if needed, i can
simply mount the snapshot elsewhere via a simple 'mount -t zfs'.

First note: fileset processing happens *BEFORE* job pre-script, so before
filesystem get actually snapshotted and mounted.
So, script in 'list' mode have to 'blindly' emit mount path, not able to
verify if effectively the FS get snapshotted and mounted.

Only a note.

Second note: path in fileset have to be 'absolute', not 'relative' to
'strippath', and this seems a bit misleading to me; an example fileset will

 FileSet {
   Name = PVETerzoNodoSVTestSnap

   Include {
 Options {
   accurate = sm
   strippath = 4
   wildfile = "*.tar"
   wilddir = 
   Exclude = yes
 #File = "\\|/root/snapshotBackup %n list"
 File = 

so effectively in 'wilddir' i have to use full path, or probably something
like this:
wilddir = "*/rpool-backup/varie/test/exclude"

but (apart a performace hit, i think) can match also other stuff, so can be

A question; currently i've split the jobs to 'interleave' the use of the
LTO9 unit, so i've different fileset with different path; a fileset for
example is:

 FileSet {
   Name = PVETerzoNodoSVSedi

   Include {
 Options {
   Signature = MD5
   accurate = sm
   noatime = yes
 File = "/rpool-backup/rsnapshot/.sync/FVG_PP"
 File = "/rpool-backup/rsnapshot/.sync/FVG_3T"
 File = "/rpool-backup/rsnapshot/.sync/FVG_TMS"

so in some sort of 'positive logic' (eg, listing dirs to backup); now i have
to conver this in 'negative logic', eg:

 FileSet {
   Name = PVETerzoNodoSVSedi

   Include {
 Options {
   Exclude = yes
   wilddir = "*"
 Options {
   Signature = MD5
   accurate = sm
   strippath = 4

 File = "\\|/root/snapshotBackup %n list"

...seems a bit overcomplicated for me... probably a better approach would be
to save somwhere on client (where /root/snapshotBackup get run) the list of
dirs to backup, for every job %n.

But still this fit not so well if there some complex setup (eg, if there's
specific exclusions inside include dirs...).

I'm a bit confused... thanks.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-10-09 Thread Marco Gaiarin
Mandi! Arno Lehmann
  In chel di` si favelave...

> So I guess a good recommendation would be to make sure strippath is 
> applied to *all* paths in a file set, unless you are really sure you 
> know what you do.

Uh, oh... clearly sure!

> Also, did you per chance already try, in combination with accurate mode? 
> I think I'll have a look myself, as it's too long ago I tried the strip 
> path feature...

No, i'm still working on snapshotting, next step backup; i've not clear if
Include{} and Exclude{} fileset directive apply to 'stippath' or
'non-strippath' path...


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-10-07 Thread Arno Lehmann

Hi Marco,

Am 07.10.2024 um 14:50 schrieb Marco Gaiarin:

Mandi! Gary R. Schmidt
   In chel di` si favelave...


...i don't think is about restoring, but backing up; indeed the example could
be instead: if you have a fileset with an


And with paths such as /usr/bin and /.snap/bin it would get more 
exciting :-)

So I guess a good recommendation would be to make sure strippath is 
applied to *all* paths in a file set, unless you are really sure you 
know what you do.

Also, did you per chance already try, in combination with accurate mode? 
I think I'll have a look myself, as it's too long ago I tried the strip 
path feature...



Arno Lehmann

IT-Service Lehmann
Sandstr. 6, 49080 Osnabrück

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-10-07 Thread Marco Gaiarin
Mandi! Gary R. Schmidt
  In chel di` si favelave...

> Because it does exactly what it says it will do.
> If you backup /a/b/c/d, and then restore it with "strippath=1" it will 
> restore to /b/c/d.
> If you have some pre-existing /b/c/d it's now been over-written, or 
> overlaid, if you prefer..

...i don't think is about restoring, but backing up; indeed the example could
be instead: if you have a fileset with an

  Include {
Options {
  strippath = 1

File = /a/b/c/d

  Include {
Options {

File = /b/c/d

you really are doing a total mess...

Anyway, i think i've understood. Thanks!


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-10-05 Thread Gary R. Schmidt

On 05/10/2024 02:16, Marco Gaiarin wrote:
> > Doc say:

 This option will cause integer paths to be stripped from the front of the 
full path/filename being backed up. This can be useful if you are migrating 
data from another vendor or if you have taken a snapshot into some 
subdirectory. This directive can cause your filenames to be overlayed with 
regular backup data, so should be used only by experts and with great care.

What exactly mean 'This directive can cause your filenames to be overlayed'?!

Because it does exactly what it says it will do.

If you backup /a/b/c/d, and then restore it with "strippath=1" it will 
restore to /b/c/d.

If you have some pre-existing /b/c/d it's now been over-written, or 
overlaid, if you prefer..


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-10-04 Thread Marco Gaiarin
Mandi! Arno Lehmann
  In chel di` si favelave...

> Look at 
> and search for "strippath" :-)

Uh, oh! And was available also on 9.4!

> It would be interesting to see how that works in combination with 
> accurate mode which I think I never tried and can't see documented 
> anywhere... so time to do some experiments.

Doc say:

This option will cause integer paths to be stripped from the front of the 
full path/filename being backed up. This can be useful if you are migrating 
data from another vendor or if you have taken a snapshot into some 
subdirectory. This directive can cause your filenames to be overlayed with 
regular backup data, so should be used only by experts and with great care. 

What exactly mean 'This directive can cause your filenames to be overlayed'?!


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-10-03 Thread Arno Lehmann

Hi Marco,

Am 02.10.2024 um 18:07 schrieb Marco Gaiarin:

Initially i supposed Bacula will have some 'ignore prefix' parameters that
will permit that, but this is available only on restore, not backup. For
backup, data have to be 'rooted' (mounted) on the same path...

Look at 
and search for "strippath" :-)

It would be interesting to see how that works in combination with 
accurate mode which I think I never tried and can't see documented 
anywhere... so time to do some experiments.



Arno Lehmann

IT-Service Lehmann
Sandstr. 6, 49080 Osnabrück

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-10-02 Thread Marco Gaiarin
Mandi! Josip Deanovic via Bacula-users
  In chel di` si favelave...

>> Bacula will just do it.  Nothing special required.

> This statement might be misleading in this particular case Marco
> described.

> Bacula will be able to run incremental backup but if the mountpoint is
> changing every time backup is running, the content of the mountpoint
> directory would be fully copied over and over again, thus, taking more
> space compared to the incremental backup of the same directory.

Yes, i'm speaking exactly about that. If snapshot get (auto)mounted with a
different path, i can surely define a fileset with a script that consider
the different path, but... fils are not the same, because are rooted on
different path!

Initially i supposed Bacula will have some 'ignore prefix' parameters that
will permit that, but this is available only on restore, not backup. For
backup, data have to be 'rooted' (mounted) on the same path...

> As I said in some post, it might be avoided by using bind-mount option
> of the mount(8).

I need to start some experimentation...


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-10-02 Thread Dan Langille
On Tue, Oct 1, 2024, at 3:42 AM, Josip Deanovic via Bacula-users wrote:
> On 2024-10-01 03:16, Dan Langille wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 30, 2024, at 10:48 AM, Marco Gaiarin wrote:
>>> Mandi! Dan Langille
>>>   In chel di` si favelave...
>>> I'm still doing some experimentation on this, indeed.
 It doesn't all run as incrementals. If the list of DATASETS (see 
 above URL) does not change, the fileset does not change.
>>> OK, but if mountpoint change, so change root path, so... how can 
>>> bacula do
>>> incrementals, if all path are different?!
>>> So.
>>> I can use script for the list of path to backup; i can use 'Ignore
>>> FileSet Changes = yes'
>>> (but if i use script i think it is not needed...) but how can bacula 
>>> do
>>> incrementals?
>> Bacula will just do it.  Nothing special required.
> This statement might be misleading in this particular case Marco
> described.
> Bacula will be able to run incremental backup but if the mountpoint is
> changing every time backup is running, the content of the mountpoint
> directory would be fully copied over and over again, thus, taking more
> space compared to the incremental backup of the same directory.
> As I said in some post, it might be avoided by using bind-mount option
> of the mount(8).

Now I understand the concern. Sorry for the misdirection.

The script in my blog post avoids that by using the same snapshot name every 
time it backs up:

See line 8: SNAPNAME="snapshot-for-backup"

The snapshot is created for this backup and deleted during the 'RunsWhen = 
After' script.

Hope that helps.

  Dan Langille

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-10-01 Thread Josip Deanovic via Bacula-users

On 2024-10-01 03:16, Dan Langille wrote:

On Mon, Sep 30, 2024, at 10:48 AM, Marco Gaiarin wrote:

Mandi! Dan Langille
  In chel di` si favelave...


I'm still doing some experimentation on this, indeed.

It doesn't all run as incrementals. If the list of DATASETS (see 
above URL) does not change, the fileset does not change.

OK, but if mountpoint change, so change root path, so... how can 
bacula do

incrementals, if all path are different?!

I can use script for the list of path to backup; i can use 'Ignore
FileSet Changes = yes'
(but if i use script i think it is not needed...) but how can bacula 


Bacula will just do it.  Nothing special required.

This statement might be misleading in this particular case Marco

Bacula will be able to run incremental backup but if the mountpoint is
changing every time backup is running, the content of the mountpoint
directory would be fully copied over and over again, thus, taking more
space compared to the incremental backup of the same directory.

As I said in some post, it might be avoided by using bind-mount option
of the mount(8).


Josip Deanovic

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-09-30 Thread Dan Langille
On Mon, Sep 30, 2024, at 10:48 AM, Marco Gaiarin wrote:
> Mandi! Dan Langille
>   In chel di` si favelave...
>> From 
>>  :
> I'm still doing some experimentation on this, indeed.
>> It doesn't all run as incrementals. If the list of DATASETS (see above URL) 
>> does not change, the fileset does not change.
> OK, but if mountpoint change, so change root path, so... how can bacula do
> incrementals, if all path are different?!
> So.
> I can use script for the list of path to backup; i can use 'Ignore 
> FileSet Changes = yes'
> (but if i use script i think it is not needed...) but how can bacula do
> incrementals?

Bacula will just do it.  Nothing special required.

>> Oh wait, I think I realize something. The snapshots do not have to be 
>> explicitly mounted to be available for backup (at least on FreeBSD).
> Never minded about that. Probably you can mount a snapshot with
> '-o mountpoint=...'. But now i'm curious...
>> Is this the problem you are trying to solve? mounting the snapshot to back 
>> it up?
> Yes. But i need incrementals too. ;-)

Incremental are based on the mtime of the file, not having an older version of 
the file mounted.

The script will work for incrementals.  And it has nothing to do with having a 
snapshot mounted. Perhaps you need to explain more about this requirement. It 
sounds like you may be assuming something which is not required.

  Dan Langille

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-09-30 Thread Marco Gaiarin
Mandi! Josip Deanovic via Bacula-users
  In chel di` si favelave...

> Unless the "Ignore FileSet Change" option is used, Bacula will compare the MD5
> checksum of the Include/Exclude contents of the FileSet and decide whether a
> Full backup is needed or not.
> I don't recommend using this option and the Bacula documentation strongly
> recommends against it as well because it bears a risk of having incomplete
> backup.

Thanskfor the explanation!

> In your case, you are trying to devise a versioning by creating new 
> directories
> named by the date but it might be unnecessary as Bacula already keeps that
> information for you.

Ahem, no; because i need to script that, i'm simply a bit scared to mount
snapshot one over another...


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-09-30 Thread Marco Gaiarin
Mandi! Dan Langille
  In chel di` si favelave...

> From 
>  :

I'm still doing some experimentation on this, indeed.

> It doesn't all run as incrementals. If the list of DATASETS (see above URL) 
> does not change, the fileset does not change.

OK, but if mountpoint change, so change root path, so... how can bacula do
incrementals, if all path are different?!

I can use script for the list of path to backup; i can use 'Ignore FileSet 
Changes = yes'
(but if i use script i think it is not needed...) but how can bacula do

> Oh wait, I think I realize something. The snapshots do not have to be 
> explicitly mounted to be available for backup (at least on FreeBSD).

Never minded about that. Probably you can mount a snapshot with
'-o mountpoint=...'. But now i'm curious...

> Is this the problem you are trying to solve? mounting the snapshot to back it 
> up?

Yes. But i need incrementals too. ;-)


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-09-28 Thread Dan Langille
On Thu, Sep 26, 2024, at 7:02 AM, Marco Gaiarin wrote:
> Mandi! Arno Lehmann
>   In chel di` si favelave...
>> I have not looked up the discussion leading here.
> See my previous post: i'm fighting with ZFS. ;-)
>> What I usually prefer is a combination of a Run Script on the client to 
>> create a file list to back up, and a File= entry in the include list 
>> that reads from file or program, i.e. "\|" or "\<" ones.

That sounds exactly like what I do. I use the same script for three purposes: 
create list destroy:

> :

Job {
  Name= "r730-01 snapshots"
  JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
  Client  = r730-01-fd
  FileSet = "r730-01 snapshots"
  RunScript {
RunsWhen   = Before
FailJobOnError = Yes
Command= "/usr/local/sbin/ create"
  RunScript {
RunsWhen   = After
FailJobOnError = No
Command= "/usr/local/sbin/ destroy"

Then in the FileSet:

FileSet {
  Name = "r730-01 snapshots"
  Ignore FileSet Changes = yes
  Include {
Options {
  signature = MD5 
Exclude Dir Containing = .NOBACKUP
File = "\\|/usr/local/sbin/ list"

Everything is in one place and consistent.

> OK, effectively i've just to run a script on the client to snapshot the FS
> and mount it RO, so it make sense to do that.

That is also what I do.  I backup the snapshot, which is mounted read-only - 
there is no other way to mount a ZFS snapshot. It is, by definition, read-only.

NOTE: There is no explicit mount required. See below.

> A question, indeed: normally if i modify fileset, bacula 'reset' itself and
> restart doing a Full backup.
> If i manage to get files from script or file, what happen?

I have 'Ignore FileSet Changes = yes' on my fileset.

> Or it is still the 'fileset change' the trigger, so scripts can make all the
> dumbest things, but bacula keep going on incrementals?

It doesn't all run as incrementals. If the list of DATASETS (see above URL) 
does not change, the fileset does not change.

> Also, if my script mount on '/some/dirs-202040926' and pass this as a backup
> dir for a full, but tomorrow script mount '/some/dirs-202040927' and calls
> for an incremental on that, i think will make still a new full...

If the output of that script is the same, the fileset is the same. It's not
the name of the script, it's the output.

> Seems to me there's no (easy) escape, and i need to mount snapshots on the
> same mountpoint to have working incrementals...

Oh wait, I think I realize something. The snapshots do not have to be 
explicitly mounted to be available for backup (at least on FreeBSD).

Here is an example.

[dvl@nagios03:~] $ cd /.zfs/snapshot
[dvl@nagios03:/.zfs/snapshot] $ ls -l
total 1122
drwxr-xr-x  18 root wheel 22 Jul 12 20:22 2024-07-12-20:29:47-0
drwxr-xr-x  18 root wheel 22 Sep  5 14:27 2024-09-25-10:55:42-0
drwxr-xr-x  18 root wheel 22 Sep  5 14:27 autosnap_2024-09-19_00:00:01_daily
drwxr-xr-x  18 root wheel 22 Sep  5 14:27 autosnap_2024-09-20_00:00:00_daily
drwxr-xr-x  18 root wheel 22 Sep  5 14:27 autosnap_2024-09-21_00:00:01_daily

There are all my snapshots.

Let's cd into one:

[dvl@nagios03:/.zfs/snapshot] $ cd 2024-07-12-20:29:47-0
[dvl@nagios03:/.zfs/snapshot/2024-07-12-20:29:47-0] $ ls
COPYRIGHT boot  entropy   home  libexec   mnt   proc  root  
tmp   var
bin   dev   etc   lib   media net   rescuesbin  

There, it's all there. You don't have to mount anything.

Is this the problem you are trying to solve? mounting the snapshot to back it 

  Dan Langille

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-09-27 Thread Dragan Milivojević
Search the mailing list for a thread that I started a few days ago. It
breaks bacula by saving empty files, no metadata, only name is saved.

On Fri, 27 Sept 2024, 10:28 Josip Deanovic via Bacula-users, <> wrote:

> On 2024-09-26 17:01, Dragan Milivojević wrote:
> >> For example, while browsing/restoring backup of the specific date, you
> >> would
> >> get the state of a backed up directory as it was during the execution
> >> of
> >> a
> >> selected backup job.
> >> I would recommend the "accurate" option in this case.
> >
> > Be careful with the accurate option, if you use the recommended pino5
> > option
> > it breaks backups.
> Hello Dragan,
> Could you please elaborate on that?
> Are you referring to some bug or to the 'o' option that appeared in
> Bacula
> version 13 and would result in saving only the metadata in case the
> content
> of a file hasn't been changed? I don't see the problem with that,
> provided
> that it works as documented.
> Regards!
> --
> Josip Deanovic
> ___
> Bacula-users mailing list
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-09-27 Thread Josip Deanovic via Bacula-users

On 2024-09-26 17:01, Dragan Milivojević wrote:

For example, while browsing/restoring backup of the specific date, you
get the state of a backed up directory as it was during the execution 

selected backup job.
I would recommend the "accurate" option in this case.

Be careful with the accurate option, if you use the recommended pino5 

it breaks backups.

Hello Dragan,

Could you please elaborate on that?
Are you referring to some bug or to the 'o' option that appeared in 
version 13 and would result in saving only the metadata in case the 
of a file hasn't been changed? I don't see the problem with that, 

that it works as documented.


Josip Deanovic

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-09-26 Thread Dragan Milivojević
> For example, while browsing/restoring backup of the specific date, you
> would
> get the state of a backed up directory as it was during the execution of
> a
> selected backup job.
> I would recommend the "accurate" option in this case.

Be careful with the accurate option, if you use the recommended pino5 option
it breaks backups.

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-09-26 Thread Josip Deanovic via Bacula-users

On 2024-09-26 13:02, Marco Gaiarin wrote:

Hello Marco!

Or it is still the 'fileset change' the trigger, so scripts can make 
all the

dumbest things, but bacula keep going on incrementals?
Also, if my script mount on '/some/dirs-202040926' and pass this as a 
dir for a full, but tomorrow script mount '/some/dirs-202040927' and 

for an incremental on that, i think will make still a new full...

Unless the "Ignore FileSet Change" option is used, Bacula will compare 
the MD5
checksum of the Include/Exclude contents of the FileSet and decide 
whether a

Full backup is needed or not.
I don't recommend using this option and the Bacula documentation 
recommends against it as well because it bears a risk of having 


Seems to me there's no (easy) escape, and i need to mount snapshots on 

same mountpoint to have working incrementals...

Consistency is always desired. :-)

In your case, you are trying to devise a versioning by creating new 
named by the date but it might be unnecessary as Bacula already keeps 

information for you.

For example, while browsing/restoring backup of the specific date, you 
get the state of a backed up directory as it was during the execution of 

selected backup job.
I would recommend the "accurate" option in this case.

If you cannot avoid creation of the directories based on the date, you 

help yourself by using bind mount option of the mount(8).


Josip Deanovic

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-09-26 Thread Marco Gaiarin
Mandi! Arno Lehmann
  In chel di` si favelave...

> I have not looked up the discussion leading here.

See my previous post: i'm fighting with ZFS. ;-)

> What I usually prefer is a combination of a Run Script on the client to 
> create a file list to back up, and a File= entry in the include list 
> that reads from file or program, i.e. "\|" or "\<" ones.

OK, effectively i've just to run a script on the client to snapshot the FS
and mount it RO, so it make sense to do that.

A question, indeed: normally if i modify fileset, bacula 'reset' itself and
restart doing a Full backup.
If i manage to get files from script or file, what happen?

Or it is still the 'fileset change' the trigger, so scripts can make all the
dumbest things, but bacula keep going on incrementals?
Also, if my script mount on '/some/dirs-202040926' and pass this as a backup
dir for a full, but tomorrow script mount '/some/dirs-202040927' and calls
for an incremental on that, i think will make still a new full...

Seems to me there's no (easy) escape, and i need to mount snapshots on the
same mountpoint to have working incrementals...



Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-09-15 Thread Arno Lehmann

Hi Marco,

Am 13.09.2024 um 17:42 schrieb Marco Gaiarin:

Mandi! Marco Gaiarin
   In chel di` si favelave...

EG, i'll come back on this on mid-september...

Still working on script.

I have not looked up the discussion leading here.

For a sake of mental health i want to mount snapshot on different mount
point... so different file path.
But path are defined in filesets, and i cannot define adifferent fileset for
every mountpoint...

I know i can use StripPrefix/AddPrefix on restore, but there's some way to
use a 'StripPrefix' like options on jobs?

The File Set Include Option "Strip Path = " may be useful.

What I usually prefer is a combination of a Run Script on the client to 
create a file list to back up, and a File= entry in the include list 
that reads from file or program, i.e. "\|" or "\<" ones.

However, you can do really interesting and slightly confusing things, too:

Job {
  Name = "magichomedirs:_home_b:10:27"
  Fileset = "magichomedirs"
  Level = Full
  Type = "Backup"
  Client = "homedirfileserver-fd"
  MaximumConcurrentJobs = 1
  Messages = "Standard"
  Pool = "short-lab"
  Priority = 10

FileSet {
  Name = magichomedirs
  Include {
Options {
  Signature = SHA1
File = "\\|/opt/bacula/scripts/ '%n'"

# cat /opt/bacula/scripts/

IFS=: read -r j p v b <<< $1
if [ -z "$b" ] ; then exit 0; fi
# echo "Job $j prefix $p from $v to $b"
w=$(dirname "$p")
n=$(basename "$p")
# below is only one line, wrapped by mailer!
find "$w" -maxdepth 1 -type d -iname "$n"'*' | awk "/.*[0-9]+$/ 
{p=match(\$0, /[0-9]+\$/); s=0+substr(\$0, p); if (p && (s>=$v) && 
(s<$b)) print \$0}"

Which works as intended:

# ls /home/
arno  b004  b008  b012  b016  b020  b026  b030  b034  test
b001  b005  b009  b013  b017  b021  b027  b031  b035
b002  b006  b010  b014  b018  b024  b028  b032  b036
b003  b007  b011  b015  b019  b025  b029  b033  b037
# /opt/bacula/scripts/ magichomedirs:_home_b:10:27

Usually, more explicit configuration is better -- you configure once, 
usually under no pressure and with time to experiment, but you need this 
stuff to have predictable effect when you are under pressure.



I hope i was clear...

Arno Lehmann

IT-Service Lehmann
Sandstr. 6, 49080 Osnabrück

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-09-15 Thread Marco Gaiarin
Mandi! Marco Gaiarin
  In chel di` si favelave...

> EG, i'll come back on this on mid-september...

Still working on script.

For a sake of mental health i want to mount snapshot on different mount
point... so different file path.
But path are defined in filesets, and i cannot define adifferent fileset for
every mountpoint...

I know i can use StripPrefix/AddPrefix on restore, but there's some way to
use a 'StripPrefix' like options on jobs?

I hope i was clear...


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-08-18 Thread Marco Gaiarin
Mandi! Dan Langille
  In chel di` si favelave...

> How is that working out?

You don't know?! ;-)

I'm currently on holiday; i'll come back next week, but i need to move
and/or do some other tasks.

EG, i'll come back on this on mid-september...


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-08-07 Thread Dan Langille
On Fri, Aug 2, 2024, at 11:03 AM, Marco Gaiarin wrote:
> Mandi! Andrea Venturoli
>   In chel di` si favelave...
>> Probably yes, but why bother?
>> Just take multiple snapshots: they have by default a different 
>> mountpoint and don't take any space.
> Right... never minded about that... i've also found some example:

How is that working out?

  Dan Langille

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-08-03 Thread Marco Gaiarin
Mandi! Andrea Venturoli
  In chel di` si favelave...

> Probably yes, but why bother?
> Just take multiple snapshots: they have by default a different 
> mountpoint and don't take any space.

Right... never minded about that... i've also found some example:

Need some tests, but... thanks!


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-07-29 Thread Andrea Venturoli

On 7/26/24 14:31, Marco Gaiarin wrote:

Yes, FS is ZFS so i can snapshot them. But FS/mountpoint is the same for all
data, and i've 5 jobs for spliting and optimizing them.

There's some way to 'snapshot' FS only one time, with multiple jobs?

Probably yes, but why bother?
Just take multiple snapshots: they have by default a different 
mountpoint and don't take any space.

At least this is what I've always done.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-07-26 Thread Marco Gaiarin
Mandi! Josip Deanovic via Bacula-users
  In chel di` si favelave...

> Alternatively, Bacula has the noatime option which is not set by 
> default.

I've give it a try. Seems it is useful, rather not dramatic.



Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-07-26 Thread Marco Gaiarin
Mandi! Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users
  In chel di` si favelave...

> The typical way to help with this type of situation is to create several 
> Fileset/Job pairs and then run them all 
> concurrently. Each Job would be reading a different set of directories.

Finally we have splitted data using more 'logic' consideration (analyzing
data) leading to 5 jobs from 2 to 4 TB each; seems pretty decent to me. 


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-07-26 Thread Marco Gaiarin
Mandi! Dan Langille
  In chel di` si favelave...

> Do your filesystem have any snapshot capabilities? With that many files, 
> backing up a snapshot would give you better results with respect to 
> consistency.

Cool! Never minded about that!

Yes, FS is ZFS so i can snapshot them. But FS/mountpoint is the same for all
data, and i've 5 jobs for spliting and optimizing them.

There's some way to 'snapshot' FS only one time, with multiple jobs?

If i name the snapshot with a unique name (eg, 'Bacula') i can surely create
a script that check if snapshot is just created and skip if yes; but how can
i destroy the snapshot if and ony if i'm the last job?


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-07-17 Thread Josip Deanovic via Bacula-users

On 2024-07-15 17:26, Marco Gaiarin wrote:
We have found that a dir (containing mostly home directories) with 
one and a half million files, took too much time to be backud up; it is 
a problem of backup media, also with spooling it took hours to prepare 


There's some strategy i can accomplish to reduce backup time (bacula
side; clearly we have to work also filesystem side...)?

For example, currently i have:

Options {
  Signature = MD5
  accurate = sm

if i remove signature and check only size, i can gain some performance?

Hello Marco,

Most probably yes.

If your file system supports it, you could mount the file system with 

noatime and nodiratime options.

Alternatively, Bacula has the noatime option which is not set by 

That option would prevent Bacula from updating inode atime which would
most probably result in some performance gains (although, not dramatic).
Also, check the option keepatime which could negatively affect the 

if enabled (it is disabled by default).

A long time ago, I had a FreeBSD with a file system about 30GB in size, 
the small usage percentage but with the huge number of indexed 

To archive the whole directory structure using tar, it used to take more
than 26 hours.
I solved it by using dump tool which does the backup on the block level 

doesn't suffer from large directory tree issue.
This approach bears the risk of having inconsistent data in the backup 
case where file system is mounted while performing a dump. This could be 
by utilizing snapshots or some type of file system locking/freeze 
(depending on

the OS and the file system).


Josip Deanovic

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-07-16 Thread Dan Langille
On Mon, Jul 15, 2024, at 11:26 AM, Marco Gaiarin wrote:

> For example, currently i have:
> Options {
>   Signature = MD5
>   accurate = sm
> }
> if i remove signature and check only size, i can gain some performance?

You might. You also lose integrity checks - is the file I just restored the 
same as the one I backed up.

Do your filesystem have any snapshot capabilities? With that many files, 
backing up a snapshot would give you better results with respect to consistency.
  Dan Langille

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Strategies for backup of millions of files...

2024-07-15 Thread Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users

On 7/15/24 9:26 AM, Marco Gaiarin wrote:

We have found that a dir (containing mostly home directories) with roughly
one and a half million files, took too much time to be backud up; it is not
a problem of backup media, also with spooling it took hours to prepare a

There's some strategy i can accomplish to reduce backup time (bacula
side; clearly we have to work also filesystem side...)?

For example, currently i have:

 Options {
   Signature = MD5
   accurate = sm

if i remove signature and check only size, i can gain some performance?


Hello Marco,

The typical way to help with this type of situation is to create several Fileset/Job pairs and then run them all 
concurrently. Each Job would be reading a different set of directories.

Doing something like backing user home directories that begin with [a-g], [h-m], [n-s], [t-z] in four or more different 
concurrent jobs.

A coup
le FileSet examples that should work in how I described:
FileSet {
  Name = Homes_A-G
  Include {
Options {
  signature = sha1
  compression = zstd
  regexdir = "/home/[a-g]"
Options {
  exclude = yes
  regexdir = "/home/.*"
  File = /home

FileSet {
  Name = Homes_H-M
  Include {
Options {
  signature = sha1
  compression = zstd
  regexdir = "/home/[h-m]"
Options {
  exclude = yes
  regexdir = "/home/.*"
File = /home

...and so on...

Hope this helps!

Bill Arlofski

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
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