[monochrom] never ending homepage

2008-04-09 Diskussionsfäden Leo Sauermann
http://unlimited.orange.co.uk/flash/go (its an advertisment also, and art)

[monochrom] Upcoming: hardhack

2008-04-09 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
http://hardhack.org/hardhack is a thing that will take place in Berlin, Germany from April 18th - April 20th, 2008. It's a meeting of dedicated hardware hackers without the usual conference bullshit. You should check it out: * hardhack is a place with hands-on workshops * hardhack is for

[monochrom] new antimult

2008-04-09 Diskussionsfäden Franz Ablinger
i didn't check it for some time, but i found great new antimults. from antimult.ru, the grand masters of flash. fra link: http://www.antimult.ru/antimults/antipr/

[monochrom] Upcoming: hardhack

2008-04-09 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
http://hardhack.org/hardhack is a thing that will take place in Berlin, Germany from April 18th - April 20th, 2008. It's a meeting of dedicated hardware hackers without the usual conference bullshit. You should check it out: * hardhack is a place with hands-on workshops * hardhack is for

[monochrom] Sweet and Creepy

2008-04-09 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
All these newborns are nothing but candies. They are made of chocolate. http://english.pravda.ru/photo/report/newborns_chocolate-3338/Linkhttp://english.pravda.ru/photo/report/newborns_chocolate-3338/ (from Pravda) -- Posted By David Fine to