[monochrom] monochrom presents: brand new Gastrokunst

2012-06-04 Diskussionsfäden j. grenzfurthner/monochrom (das ende der nahrungskette)
In gastronomical enterprises the management frequently elects to present art as a form of extraordinary room decoration. Some time ago we at monochrom have decided to dedicate a page to the breathtaking world of 'gastro-art'. And there are some excellent new gastro-art picture submissions.

[monochrom] Sierra Zulu presents: Robert Picardo and Georg Friedrich! Applause!

2012-06-04 Diskussionsfäden j. grenzfurthner/monochrom (das ende der nahrungskette)
We are enormously proud being able to use tools of hypermedia to blog post about new developments on Sierra Zulu's casting front! Should the Western development funds ever be transferred to our account, we will be able to welcome two loved and much-admired