[monochrom] Entschwörungstheorie / Zeitgeist the Movie

2010-01-05 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Glashaus, Bayreuth Dienstag, 12.01.10 Einlass: 19:00 Uhr Beginn: 19:30 Uhr Eintritt 3 Euro Nach der Veranstaltung im letzten Semester zu Jud Süß und Nazi-Propaganda, gehen wir dieses mal den Themenkomplex Propaganda von der anderen Seite an: Das Chriszeitgeisttentum, die Anschläge auf das

[monochrom] A machine I like

2010-01-02 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Simply wonderful. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z86V_ICUCD4Link -- Posted By johannes to http://www.monochrom.at/english/2010/01/machine-i-like.htmmonochrom at 1/02/2010 01:13:00 PM

[monochrom] A Music-Based Treatment For Tinnitus

2010-01-02 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Loud, persistent ringing in the ears, known as tinnitus, can be vexing for its millions of sufferers. This perceived noise can be symptomatic of many different ills—from earwax to aging—but the most common cause is from noise-induced hearing loss, such as extended exposure to construction

[monochrom] Qat: Yemen's afternoon high

2010-01-02 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Walk down any major street in Yemen in the afternoon or evening, and you'll see men with bulging cheeks, chewing qat leaves; their constituents, cathinone and cathine, produce a high. Qat — or Catha edulis — is cultivated in the Horn of Africa as well. But in Yemen, buffeted by fierce

[monochrom] Get Lamp: Pre-Order Jason Scott's Documentary on Text Adventures

2010-01-02 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
http://www.getlamp.com/Get Lamp is currently scheduled to be released on DVD in the second half of March 2010. Ordering now both guarantees the earliest possible acquisition of the movie and helps fund the initial duplication and packaging costs. But what is Get Lamp? With limited sound,

[monochrom] Paris Opera Ballet Tries Out Hi-Def Simulcasting

2009-12-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
The company's Diaghilev/Ballets Russes centennial program was transmitted live to 30 cinemas in Britain. Who went? A dance audience, small but devoted and knowledgeable. And they were clearly delighted with the screening, which turned out to be not a substitute for performance but a different

[monochrom] An interactive guide to all the best movies of the decade lists

2009-12-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
[...] the question remains: Which movie is the best of the decade? Is there any consensus among the accumulating lists? To find out, we collected all of the rankings we could find and synthesized the results using a simple scoring system: Movies got 50 points for being the No. 1 pick on a

[monochrom] Videogames change the way we work, learn and fight wars

2009-12-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Videogames are no longer the preserve of adolescent males in dark bedrooms. Their emergence as a social medium is changing the way we work, learn and fight wars. http://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/2009/12/all-the-world-is-play/Link PS: But never forget: http://www.monochrom.at/pongBrave New

[monochrom] Wealth Care

2009-12-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
As Congress wrestles over the parameters of a health care bill, amidst maddened catcalls of 'death panels' and 'socialism!', I am reminded of the experience of John Black, an old trade unionist, revolutionary activist and journalist. Black, a fervent supporter of the Cuban Revolution,

[monochrom] How the Brain Encodes Memories at a Cellular Level

2009-12-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Scientists at UC Santa Barbara have made a major discovery in how the brain encodes memories. The finding, published in the December 24 issue of the journal Neuron, could eventually lead to the development of new drugs to aid memory. The team of scientists is the first to uncover a central

[monochrom] They Might Be Giants - Put It to the Test

2009-12-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cCC8a6HMz4NR=1Link -- Posted By johannes to http://www.monochrom.at/english/2009/12/they-might-be-giants-put-it-to-test.htmmonochrom at 12/27/2009 06:58:00 PM

[monochrom] Killing Capitalism with Christmas!

2009-12-24 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
http://www.monochrom.at/kiki-and-bubu/Kiki and Bubu (and monochrom) wish you a merry X-Mas! Kill! Kill! Kill! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBP5OPLzlq8Link (YouTube) http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/carefully-selected-moments/id281585819Link (iTunes) (or just download it from Pirate Bay) --

[monochrom] monochrom @ ROFLCon II / Dates Officially Set

2009-12-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Tim reports: Was planning to get to announce this last week, but got caught up in some last minute finagling with MIT. But we've finally got it hammered out. In any case, happy to announce today that we've officially decided that ROFLCon II will be on April 30th and May 1st, 2010. Got it?

[monochrom] monochrom and the Future of Porn

2009-12-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Panel discussion with Johannes Grenzfurthner (monochrom), Rose White and Aaron SFSlim Muszalski @ C-Base Berlin, December 29, 2009; 10 PM. If you ask mainstream pornographers what their vision of the future is, it involves cracking down on piracy making more money re-selling the same generic

[monochrom] monochrom @ hackerspace.sg: Some stories about Context Hacking and Asia

2009-12-15 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Johannes, an insane Austrian man we met this weekend, will be conducting a rant at http://www.hackerspace.sgHackerspace.SG this Thursday evening. For those who are unfamiliar with the rant: it is a tradition of performance art which was developed in Europe in the 19th century and

[monochrom] Fwd: Wikipedia Diskussionsrunde im metalab am 16. Dezember

2009-12-15 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Guten Morgen, Ich möchte Sie gerne auf eine Diskussionsrunde hinweisen die wir morgen Abend im metalab in Wien veranstalten werden. Wir würden uns sehr über das kommen einiger Medienvertreter freuen, Beginn wird 18:30 sein. Anlass ist die aktuell aufgekommene Diskussion über die Kriterien die

[monochrom] Neoteny unconference – How Epic Fail and Agile Development Can Change the World

2009-12-13 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
e27 reports: With all the talk about failing, one interesting speaker that managed to get all our attention was Johannes Grenfurthner who runs Monochrom – an art-technology-philosophy group in Vienna. With his stage presence and use of different yet interesting metaphors conveyed why it's

[monochrom] Roboexotica USA: February 2010!

2009-12-12 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
We are glad being able to announce Roboexotica USA 2010! Roboexotica USA 2010 will be held at the world famous http://www.dnalounge.com/DNA lounge! Wednesday and Thursday February 17-18th, 2010. DNA Lounge is at 375 Eleventh Street, San Francisco, CA 94103. http://www.roboexotica.org/Link

[monochrom] Language 2.0: Or how we change the world with every keystroke

2009-12-12 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Evelyn will give a talk about language and new forms of communication at Neoteny Labs Singapore Camp (Sunday, December 13, 2009; 2:30 PM): The numerous parallels between modern linguistics and computer science may come as a surprise to the audience and their notion of language may change

[monochrom] Nice Neoteny photo set

2009-12-12 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Nice picture of Johannes at Neoteny in Singapore, taken from a http://www.flickr.com/photos/mengwong/sets/72157622989163094/great photoset. -- Posted By johannes to http://www.monochrom.at/english/2009/12/nice-neoteny-photo-set.htmmonochrom at 12/13/2009 04:51:00 AM

[monochrom] Roboexotica 2009 - Video of Adult Mario

2009-12-09 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Kyle Machulis created a great piece of machinery for http://www.roboexotica.orgRoboexotica 2009. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kiKE3lif8QLink -- Posted By johannes to http://www.monochrom.at/english/2009/12/roboexotica-2009-video-of-adult-mario.htmmonochrom at 12/09/2009 09:52:00 AM

[monochrom] Plasmastaub at Roboexotica 2009: Video

2009-12-08 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Great video of (ACRA-Award-winning) Plasmastaub at http://www.roboexotica.orgRoboexotica 2009. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txskNcSSlA4Link -- Posted By johannes to http://www.monochrom.at/english/2009/12/plasmastaub-at-roboexotica-2009-video.htmmonochrom at 12/08/2009 11:08:00 PM

[monochrom] monochrom @ Crosstalk Video Art Festival Budapest

2009-12-08 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Oh yes! Roland Gratzer will represent monochrom at Crosstalk Video Art Festival in Budapest! When? December 10, 2009, 7 PM at Kunsthalle Budapest... -- Posted By johannes to http://www.monochrom.at/english/2009/12/monochrom-crosstalk-video-art-festival.htmmonochrom at 12/08/2009 11:40:00 PM

[monochrom] Podcast: Schneider / Die Diktatur des man

2009-12-08 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Frank Apunkt Schneider ist Germanist und Mitglied der KünstlerInnengruppe monochrom. Er lebt als unfreier Autor (u.a. testcard, Skug, Intro, Jungle World), unfreier Künstler und Hausmann in Bamberg. Im Ventil-Verlag erschien 2007 sein erstes Buch mit dem Titel Als die Welt noch unterging –

[monochrom] Roboexotica 2009: Over and (not yet) out

2009-12-07 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Roboexotica 2009 is over... but there are tons of great images, videos and reports out there! We are currently cleaning our event location (Drinkomat-Halle) and Franky was so kind to upload http://roboexotica.org/?audioaudio files of Saturday's symposion. http://www.roboexotica.orgLink --

[monochrom] Wien, das Mekka der Cocktail Roboter

2009-12-04 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] irgendwelche regelmaessigen 4chan user hier in der bagasch?

2009-12-04 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] Roboexotica 2009: Opening

2009-12-03 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Today is the grand opening of http://www.roboexotica.orgRoboexotica 2009! Here is an almost http://roboexotica.org/?robots2009complete list of all cocktail robots on display. Stunning machinery! Opening act? Liquidoscope! And don't forget: new location for this year's festival! We found a

[monochrom] Roboexotica 2009 / 3. bis 6- Dezember 2009

2009-12-01 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Adventzeit ist Cocktailroboterzeit Cocktailmixende Roboter bevölkern diese Woche wieder die Stadt - 3. bis 6. Dezember 2009 = Wien (OTS) - Roboter sind nicht nur zum Arbeiten und Angst machen da. Sie können auch Cocktails mixen, selber trinken oder alkoholggeschwängerte

[monochrom] New evidence for early life on Mars: NASA

2009-11-30 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
A new NASA study of a Martian meteorite that made headlines 13 years ago strengthens the original claim that the rock contains evidence of life on ancient Mars. Researchers at the Johnson Space Center used advanced electron microscopes that weren't available in 1996 to re-examine the

[monochrom] Wikipedia is bloated with trivia and needs more meat

2009-11-30 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
In its almost nine years of existence, Wikipedia has achieved unequivocal success: as the fifth most visited website in the world, it features more than 14.3m articles in 270 languages contributed by more than 100,000 volunteers. Given that this has been done on a shoestring budget,

[monochrom] Up: Pixar's Defense of Animation

2009-11-30 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
The philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce used the term index to describe things like Ellie's note, things that stand as physical remnants of the causes of their existence. A footprint is the index of a foot, just as a scrape on a fender might be the index of another car or of a guardrail.

[monochrom] The Meaning of Seattle: Truth Only Becomes True Through Action

2009-11-29 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
WTO+10: Before 1999, the momentum of globalization seemed to sweep everything in front of it, including the truth. But in Seattle, ordinary women and men made truth real with collective action.

[monochrom] Where In The World: Computer Scientists Develop Program To Decipher Location Of Photograph

2009-11-29 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Computer scientists designed a program that can analyze a photograph to identify where it was taken. The program scans the scene on the photo, noting colors, textures and lines, and uses these elements to compare it to more than six million images previously tagged with locations on online

[monochrom] Interview with Baburam Bhattarai: Transition to New Democratic Republic in Nepal

2009-11-28 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
This interview of Dr. Baburam Bhattarai, a leading figure of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist, was conducted by the World People's Resistance Movement (Britain). http://www.monthlyreview.org/091106bhattarai.phpLink -- Posted By johannes to

[monochrom] abwehramt ueberwachte subversivmesse

2009-11-28 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[monochrom] Laughing Squid recommends Roboexotica 2009

2009-11-28 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Roboexotica 2009, an annual festival for cocktail robotics organized by SHIFZ, monochrom and Bureau of Philosophy, takes place December 3-6 at Drinkomat in Vienna, Austria. http://laughingsquid.com/roboexotica-2009-a-festival-for-cocktail-robots/Link -- Posted By johannes to

[monochrom] Zombie Turkey!

2009-11-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Gobble! Gobble! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fD_xNc_WzlwLink -- Posted By johannes to http://www.monochrom.at/english/2009/11/zombie-turkey.htmmonochrom at 11/27/2009 12:22:00 PM

[monochrom] The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody

2009-11-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Yes! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgbNymZ7vqYLink -- Posted By johannes to http://www.monochrom.at/english/2009/11/muppets-bohemian-rhapsody.htmmonochrom at 11/27/2009 12:28:00 PM

[monochrom] Armenia excels at chess: The lion and the tiger

2009-11-26 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Armenia excels at chess. Its top player now has a shot at becoming world champion. How did this tiny country become a giant at the game? Levon Aronian likes to sleep late. But at 11am on a weekday in August this year, his dreams were disturbed by what sounded like people chanting his name. In a

[monochrom] Starts with candy, ends in napalm

2009-11-26 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Barack Obama once described the operations in Afghanistan as a necessary war. That war has lasted eight years and General Stanley McChrystal, the commander of the US forces there, appointed by Obama, is urging him to deploy 40,000 more troops. In Indochina, the US supported corrupt and

[monochrom] Should We Defend Undocumented Workers?

2009-11-26 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
One winter morning in 1996, Border Patrol agents charged into a Los Angeles street-corner clinic where 40 day laborers had lined up to be tested for AIDS. One worker, Omar Sierra, had just taken his seat, and a nurse had inserted the needle for drawing the blood. As agents of the migra ran

[monochrom] Brain scanner can tell a Dali from a Picasso

2009-11-26 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Patterns in brain activity can be used to determine whether someone is looking at a surrealist landscape by Salvador Dali or the cubist lines of Pablo Picasso. Yukiyasu Kamitani of ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories in Kyoto, Japan, and colleagues showed 12 students dozens of

[monochrom] Like humans, ants use bacteria to make their gardens grow

2009-11-25 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Leaf-cutter ants, which cultivate fungus for food, have many remarkable qualities. Here's a new one to add to the list: the ant farmers, like their human counterparts, depend on nitrogen-fixing bacteria to make their gardens grow. The finding, reported Nov. 20 in the journal Science,

[monochrom] Monsanto: Biotech bonanza

2009-11-25 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Last year's global food crisis made millions for agro-giant Monsanto. Tim Hunt of Ethical Consumer magazine fails to find any redeeming features in this corporate behemoth. Try looking objectively at biotech firm Monsanto, a company that only ever seems to receive a negative press, and see

[monochrom] Fwd: Reminder: Carl Djerassi, 26th November

2009-11-23 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
X-Virus-Scanned: amavisd-new at monochrom.at X-Spam-Flag: NO X-Spam-Score: -2.6 X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-2.6 tagged_above=-10 required=6.6 tests=[BAYES_00=-2.599, HTML_MESSAGE=0.001, SPF_HELO_PASS=-0.001, SPF_PASS=-0.001] autolearn=ham Authentication-Results:

[monochrom] roboexotica schlafplaetze

2009-11-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
hallo leute! heuer wirds eng! wir suchen noch schlafplaetze fuer die special guest stars auf der roboexotica! hat jemand von euch lust den einen oder anderen roboexotica gast (david fine, kyle machulis, ben cowden, sf slim) fuer eine woche oder so unterzubringen? liebe gruesse johannes

[monochrom] How Downloading Is Changing Music?

2009-11-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Digital downloading and distribution, illegally or otherwise, has had a greater effect on the recording industry than anything in its history. As the legal variety grows rapidly, driven most significantly by iTunes, so those old-school players are having to adopt radical new business plans

[monochrom] Red Cosmos: K.E. Tsiolkovskii, Grandfather of Soviet Rocketry

2009-11-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
The details of Konstantin Tsiolkovskii's life, as James Andrews explains in his new study of the man, are more complex and far more interesting than the legend. Anyone who has studied the history of the space age has come across the name Konstantin Tsiolkovskii (1857–1935), often under the

[monochrom] Why do human testicles hang like that?

2009-11-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
[...] the first big question is why so many mammalian species evolved hanging scrotal testicles to begin with. The male gonads in some phylogenetic lineages went in completely different directions, evolutionary speaking. For example, modern elephants' testicles remain undescended and are

[monochrom] Modern Architecture and Complaints about the Weather, or, 'Dear Monsieur Le Corbusier, It is still raining in our garage… .'

2009-11-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Historians of Modern Architecture have cultivated the image of the architect as a temperamental genius, unconcerned by issues of politeness or pragmatics—a reading reinforced in cultural representations off Modern Architects, such as Howard Roark, the protagonist in Ayn Rand's 1943 novel

[monochrom] Robniks Vortrag zu Inglourious Basterds/Mittwoc h 17.30h im besetzten Hörsaal C1

2009-11-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Robniks Vortrag zu Inglourious Basterds / Mittwoch (25. November) 17.30h im besetzten Hörsaal C1 Geschichte im Gesicht. Zur Politik und Geschichtsästhetik von Quentin Tarantinos Inglourious Basterds Vortrag mit Filmausschnitten zu Quentin Tarantinos Inszenierung von geschichtsmächtig

[monochrom] Arse Elektronika: Interview with Kyle Machulis on Sex Toy Tech

2009-11-21 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Recording of Kyle's interview on Sex Toy Tech with FM4 Radio, Friday, November 20, 2009. Intro is in German, interview in English language. http://slashdong.org/other/fm4_interview_2009-11-20.mp3Link (MP3) -- Posted By johannes to

[monochrom] The Universe According to Scrooge McDuck

2009-11-20 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
A profoundly thorough history of Scrooge McDuck and his effect on world culture, by Wiley Wiggins. http://blog.mondotees.com/2009/11/19/the-universe-according-to-scrooge-mcduck/Link -- Posted By sharon to

[monochrom] The Universe According to Scrooge McDuck

2009-11-20 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
A profoundly thorough history of Scrooge McDuck and his effect on world culture, by Wiley Wiggins. http://blog.mondotees.com/2009/11/19/the-universe-according-to-scrooge-mcduck/Link -- Posted By sharon to

[monochrom] Arse Elektronika and qDot on FM4

2009-11-20 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Kyle has a second site just for the projects based on his hobby of breaking sex-toys. Slashdong. If you feel uncomfortable viewing pictures of sex-toys in various states of deconstruction, you may want to avoid it. If that type of thing doesn't bother you, then you might find it an

[monochrom] It's Really a War on the Poor: A War on Coca Nobody Believes In

2009-11-20 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Since their systemic targeting of producer nations through militarized methods of eradication, government officials in Washington have regularly brandished bogus data when concerning the effectiveness and validity of the US's so-called 'war on drugs'. Dating back to the 1980s, Colombia

[monochrom] Paying Off the Warlords: Anatomy of an Afghan Culture of Corruption

2009-11-20 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Kabul, Afghanistan -- Every morning, dozens of trucks laden with diesel from Turkmenistan lumber out of the northern Afghan border town of Hairaton on a two-day trek across the Hindu Kush down to Afghanistan's capital, Kabul. Among the dozens of businesses dispatching these trucks are two

[monochrom] Reflections On Epilepsy

2009-11-20 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Raymond Tallis applies his mind to his mind. My experience with neurological patients has underlined what ordinary life tells us: that a brain in some working order is a necessary condition for human consciousness. Unlike mind-brain identity theorists, however, I do not believe that

[monochrom] Ben-Hur: The Book That Shook the World

2009-11-19 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Hate keeps a man alive. Those famous words do not actually appear in the original 1880 novel Ben-Hur by General Lew Wallace. Karl Tunberg, or more likely Christopher Fry or Gore Vidal (there was a dispute over the screenplay credit), gave that line to Roman patrician Quintus Arrius as he

[monochrom] Dancer Plans To Induce Epileptic Seizure In Performance

2009-11-19 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
A dance artist with epilepsy is to try to induce a seizure on stage - but has been urged to reconsider by a charity. Rita Marcalo has stopped taking her medication ahead of the event at The Bradford Playhouse, which the audience will be invited to film. Arts Council England, which is

[monochrom] Oceans' Uptake of Human-Made Carbon May Be Slowing

2009-11-19 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
The oceans play a key role in regulating climate, absorbing more than a quarter of the carbon dioxide that humans put into the air. Now, the first year-by-year accounting of this mechanism during the industrial era suggests the oceans are struggling to keep up with rising emissions -- a

[monochrom] Fwd: Theorie studieren an der Kunsthochschule / Studying Theory at the Art University

2009-11-18 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
X-Virus-Scanned: amavisd-new at monochrom.at X-Spam-Flag: NO X-Spam-Score: -2.598 X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-2.598 tagged_above=-10 required=6.6 tests=[BAYES_00=-2.599, HTML_MESSAGE=0.001] autolearn=ham Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 10:33:17 +0100 From: Gerald Raunig

[monochrom] A Teledildonic Soiree: Arse Elektronika Vienna Special

2009-11-18 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
== A TELEDILDONIC SOIREE == Arse Elektronika Vienna Special http://www.monochrom.at/arse-elektronika Friday, November 20, 8 PM @ Raum D, Museumsquartier, Vienna == What is the sex of the future, and why aren't we having it yet? In this talk about the current state of sex toy technology,

[monochrom] Roland Barthes: Presence of Mind

2009-11-16 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Roland Barthes died almost 30 years ago, on 26 March 1980, but his works continue to engage new and old readers with remarkable consistency. Books about him keep appearing: literary and philosophical essays by Jean-Claude Milner (2003), Jean-Pierre Richard (2006) and Eric Marty (2006), a

[monochrom] Mistakes in Typography Grate the Purists

2009-11-16 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Dirt. Noise. Crowds. Delays. Scary smells. Even scarier fluids swirling on the floor. There are lots of reasons to loathe the New York City subway, but one very good reason to love it — Helvetica, the typeeface that's used on its signage.

[monochrom] A Prehistory of n-Categorical Physics

2009-11-16 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
By J. Baez and A. Lauda: This paper traces the growing role of categories and n-categories in physics, starting with groups and their role in relativity, and leading up to more sophisticated concepts which manifest themselves in Feynman diagrams, spin networks, string theory, loop quantum

[monochrom] Wolfgang Lorenz Gedenkpreis 2009 / Zusammenfassung

2009-11-15 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Wolfgang Lorenz Gedenkpreis für internetfreie Minuten 2009 http://www.monochrom.at/wolfgang-lorenz-gedenkpreis/ Nominierungsliste: 1. Nominierung: die ORF ON-Direktoren für 15 Jahre fehlende Barrierefreiheit im Scheißinternet und generelle Ignoranz; denn ORF ON endet als

Re: [monochrom] Wolfgang Lorenz Gedenkpreis 2009 / Zusammenfassung

2009-11-15 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
interessensfrage: von wem ist dieser text: das ist eine melange aus unterschiedlichen statements der juror/innen... es gibt keine direkte autor/innen/schaft... evelyn und ich haben drueberredigiert... der jg

Re: [monochrom] wolo09

2009-11-15 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Mit Ingrid Brodnig in der Jury hatte der Falter ja eher schlechte Chancen auf den Preis. nein, das war eher nicht das problem... sie hat jedenfalls nicht gegen ihn gestimmt.

Re: [monochrom] [Safari] Wolfgang Lorenz Gedenkpreis 2009 / Zusammenfassung

2009-11-15 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Verwundert, dass monochrom sich zur Verbreitung von Diffamierungen hergibt wir haben eine jury. und die juror/innen haben unterschiedliche leute und institutionen nominiert. da wir ja nur einen preis haben und auch nur einen preis vergeben hats (offensichtlich) fuer stefan weber nicht

[monochrom] Reminder: Heute 'Wolfgang Lorenz Gedenkpreis für internetfreie Minuten'

2009-11-14 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
OTS: Wolfgang Lorenz Gedenkpreis für internetfreie Minuten (14. Nove,ber 2009) Wien (OTS) - Dem Scheiß Internet, in das sich junge Menschen verkriechen, hat ORF-Programmdirektor Wolfgang Lorenz im Herbst des Jahres 2008 den Kampf erklärt. Wenn das nicht Grund genug ist, nach dem Visionär

[monochrom] 2012 Debunker guide

2009-11-12 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Christ on crutches, why does anybody still buy into 2012 Mayan Apocalypse theory? It's like all the new age crystal worshipers joined a death cult. The Mayans' calendar outlasted their civilization, and that's just not good enough for some people. Don't you over entitled pricks realize how

[monochrom] When Sesame Street Was New

2009-11-10 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Educators were thrilled that children were entering school with a grasp of letters, colors and elementary numbers. Later, the show was criticized as too winsome, leading children to expect that the elements of reading and math would bounce in bright colors across the classroom. Nowadays,

[monochrom] Massive Defense Spending Leads to Job Loss

2009-11-10 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
There is a major national ad campaign, funded by the oil industry and other usual suspects, to convince the public that measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and slow global warming will result in massive job loss. This ad campaign warns of slower growth and the loss of hundreds

[monochrom] Can Oil Be Recycled?

2009-11-10 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
A new facility aims to test the market for recycled oil Changing the oil in a car every 5,000 kilometers or so seems to be the industry standard (and may well be overkill). But that means a whole lot of pouring and draining motor oil into and out of the U.S. auto fleet: 1.3 billion gallons or

[monochrom] The Vatican joins the search for alien life

2009-11-10 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
The Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences is holding its first ever conference on alien life, the discovery of which would have profound implications for the Catholic Church. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/space/6536400/The-Vatican-joins-the-search-for-alien-life.htmlLink -- Posted By

[monochrom] Krach der Roboter on FM4 Soundselection 21

2009-11-09 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
A wonderful song by beloved http://www.monochrom.at/krachKrach der Roboter will be featured on FM4 Soundselection 21. The song can be found on Krach's first Solo-CD http://www.monochrom.at/krach/hello-world!/Hello World! (released by monochrom). http://fm4.orf.at/stories/1631189/Link FM4 --

[monochrom] Frustikus Verleihung, Donnerstag, 12. November

2009-11-09 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Waren Sie schon einmal frustriert nachdem Sie etwas benutzt haben? Haben Sie sich schon einmal darüber geärgert, daß die Dinge nicht so funktionieren wie sie sollten? Begegnen Ihnen täglich Produkte, die kaum oder nur umständlich zu bedienen sind? Bei uns können Sie Ihrem Ärger Luft machen.

[monochrom] Lakes of Antarctica Isolated for Millions of Years Discovered wit...

2009-11-07 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Antarctica's icy lakes have been discovered to house a surprisingly diverse community of viruses, including some that were previously unidentified. The finding could shed light on whether microbial life evolved independently in Antarctica, which has been isolated for millions of years, or

[monochrom] Matrix Producer Plans Biopic Of Prophet Muhammad -- without Muhammad

2009-11-04 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Barrie Osborne is planning a $150 million production, funded by a holding company in Qatar, that will educate people about the true meaning of Islam. The scholar Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi [will] oversee all aspects of the shoot. In accordance with Islamic law, the prophet will not actually be

[monochrom] IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

2009-11-04 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Compiled by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature in Gland, Switzerland, the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species aims to catalogue and highlight those plants and animals that are facing a higher risk of global extinction. http://www.iucnredlist.org/Link -- Posted By johannes

[monochrom] Myth of the Global Safety Net

2009-11-04 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Media reports on the economic meltdown have mainly concentrated on the impact of the crisis on the rich nations, with little concern for the mass of the population living in what used to be called the Third World. The current view seems to be that the setbacks in these emerging economies may

[monochrom] Benjamin Cowden: New monochrom artist in residence

2009-11-04 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
One more monochrom artist in residence! Ye! http://twentysevengears.com/Benjamin Cowden began working with metal during an undergraduate anthropology project in Cameroon in 1997, where he studied how Baka Pygmies turned worn machetes into utility knives. He later worked as a blacksmith

[monochrom] morgen: monochrom @ Uni Graz Besetzung

2009-11-01 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
monochrom performance am 2. November 2009 um 18 Uhr im befreiten Hörsaaltrakt Vorklinik (HS 06.01) der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz schauts vorbei!

[monochrom] monochroms Massives Multiplayer Daumenwrestling @ Top Sites For Cool Games Using Your Hands

2009-11-01 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Great... http://www.monochrom.at/thumbMassive Multiplayer Thumb-Wrestling is hitting the blogosphere again! http://www.makeuseof.com/makeuseof.com reports... What do you do when the XBox 360 has gone down, your Nintendo DSi is on the fritz, and even your board games aren't around because you

[monochrom] UK Scientists Use Laser To Give False Memories to Flies

2009-10-31 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
A team of neuroscientists at the University of Oxford have discovered a way to trigger behavior in flies by selectively modifying neurons in their brain and stimulating them with a laser in order to simulate a learning experience.

[monochrom] Kyle Machulis: new monochrom artist in residence

2009-10-31 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Our new artist in residence arrived! Hooray! Kyle Machulis, aka qDot, is a researcher of alternate input mechanisms and haptics, which is really a fancy way of saying he breaks sex toys. Through his Slashdong webpage (http://www.slashdong.orghttp://www.slashdong.org), he uses the topic of

[monochrom] 1989? Why? Because capitalism is superior?

2009-10-31 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
The events of 1989 are most often depicted as the failure of socialism. It's a powerful interpretation that has served to discredit alternatives to the capitalist system, which is said to have triumphed, and to bestow upon capitalism an aura of legitimacy based not only on a reading of

[monochrom] There Are No Seven Stages of Grief

2009-10-31 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
You can even get over it quickly. The idea that grief is work that we must do began with Freud. He believed that if you didn't labor at it, you would never recover the psychic energy you had invested in a person who was no longer there. Over time, psychologists developed ways to describe the

[monochrom] Bacteria As Art: Biophysicists Grow Pretty Bacteria In Petri Dishes To Find Antibiotics

2009-10-31 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Biophysicists are growing Petri dishes of different species of bacteria in order to develop new antibiotics. The bacteria are subjected to different temperatures and have limited food sources inside the dish. Despite these conditions, most colonies tend to communicate and reproduce. Their

[monochrom] Qualtinger, bitte soo leiwand

2009-10-31 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Wie sehen Sie die Zukunft Österreichs? (Teil 1 von 2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UONiGMmbS4feature=player_embedded Wie sehen Sie die Zukunft Österreichs? (Teil 2 von 2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzm3prz8Vawfeature=player_embedded

[monochrom] reminder: Do. 29.10.- Fr. 30.10. HORROR IM MQ! 4.HALLOWEEN-FILM-SPECIAL

2009-10-29 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
From: Martin Nechvatal martin-nechvatal@martin-nechvatal.com monochrom präsentiert: MARTIN NECHVATALS HORRORFILMREIHE 4.HALLOWEEN-FILM-SPECIAL Donnerstag 29.10. bis Freitag 30.10. jeweils 19:30 und 21:30 Einlass: ab 18:30 Beginn: 19:30Uhr (pünktlich wegen Double Feature!) WO:Im

[monochrom] Sa.31.10. THE INCREDIBLE STRANGE SIDESHOW OF HORRORS im VEKKS- inkl.FLYER( komprimiert)

2009-10-29 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
1.WIENER BLUTTHEATER presents: THE INCREDIBLE STRANGE SIDESHOW OF HORRORS am Samstag, 31.10. um 23Uhr im Keller vom VEKKS/EINGANG KOSTNIXLADEN!!! Zentagasse 26, 1050 Wien (5 Minuten von U4 Pilgramgasse,Margaretenplatz,Margaretenstrasse). Open ab 21Uhr Keller ab 22Uhr Eintritt:6.-

[monochrom] monochrom's Climate Training Camp in Graz / pictures!

2009-10-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Pictures of monochrom's Climate Training Camp in Graz, last weekend. http://www.flickr.com/photos/monochrom/sets/72157622673675012/Flickrhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/monochrom/sets/72157622673675012/ Set / Link http://www.monochrom.at/climate-trainingClimate Training Camp -- Posted By

[monochrom] monochrom's Climate Training Camp @ Elevate 2009/Graz

2009-10-24 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Gear up for the future: with our DIY climate booths! Climate change tends to be seen as the result of failed politics. But the causes lay deeper: certain subjects of an economy act against each other's interests in international as well as in terms of the nation state. It's always the fault

[monochrom] Malen nach Zahlen? / Akademie-Protest

2009-10-18 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Malen nach Zahlen? Wir lassen uns nicht aushungern! - Lieber räumen wir die Akademie! Am 22.Oktober soll eine Leistungsvereinbarung (diese teilt die Budgets zu) zwischen Bundesministerium und unserer Akademie zum Abschluss gebracht werden, in der das Bachelor/Master System in

[monochrom] io9: Kalle the LARPer, Best Rant Ever

2009-10-15 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
io9 loves Kalle: This wins the prize for Best Rant Ever. A German live action role player (LARPer) named Kalle yells at Americans for being poseurs when they LARP. It devolves into Kalle beating the photographer with a stick. http://io9.com/5382093/american-larpers-are-uselessLink -- Posted

[monochrom] Jason Scott @ Arse Elektronika 2009: The Atomic Level of Porn

2009-10-15 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Eddie Codel shot a video of Jason Scott's talk about digital retro-porn at http://www.monochrom.at/arse-elektronikaArse Elektronika 2009. http://vimeo.com/7088524Jason Scott @ Arse Elektronika 2009: The Atomic Level of Porn from http://vimeo.com/ekaiekai on http://vimeo.comVimeo. -- Posted

[monochrom] Arse Elektronika 2010: SPACE RACY / Call for Papers, Performances, Films and Machines

2009-10-12 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Love hotels. Swinger club design. Phallic architecture. The gentrification of Times Square, kicking out all the peep shows, and similar anti-sex gentrifications and battles. Kids making out in the back seats of cars, and people fucking in parks. Housing for unconventional family units.

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