Luckily they won't shut down the rover programme, as officials 
stated yesterday. Gov got cold feet from the martian atmosphere, eh?


-----Original Message-----
From: das ende der nahrungskette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 23:51:25 +0100
Subject: [monochrom] Kthxbai, Spirit, kthxbai!

> Spirit, the Mars Rover, left to die before its time.
> The brave, unflagging Mars rover Spirit, who has lived on the Red 
> Planet for almost four years, has been given a death sentence by the 
> U.S. government. Right now, the little robot is resting on a sunny 
> slope, waiting out the winter and preparing to do more tests on the 
> Martian atmosphere. But now it looks like Spirit has rolled on its 
> six wheels and done science experiments for the very last time. The 
> U.S. government has forced NASA, this country's national space 
> agency, to cut its budget by 4 million dollars. And that means only 
> one rover, Opportunity, will survive. To say that this is a tragedy 
> is an understatement.
> The Mars rovers have been one of NASA's most proud achievements, and 
> the information they gather today can help future planetary colonists 
> tomorrow. While NASA is planning to land another rover on Mars within 
> the next year, it's a shame to shut down a perfectly serviceable 
> rover that could be supplementing what the new rover will learn.
> <>Link 
> (via <>Annalee Newitz)
> --
> Posted By johannes to 
> <>monochrom 
> at 3/25/2008 06:01:00 PM  

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