[monochrom] An Ideology of 'Gunism'

2007-05-05 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

By Robert Jay Lifton.
The combination of mental disease and access to guns leaps out at 
almost everyone in connection with the Virginia Tech shootings. But 
from there ideas and advocacies tend to become amorphous and tinged 
with hopelessness. There is consensus that something should be done 
to intervene earlier in threatening forms of psychological 
disturbance, and as a psychiatrist I agree and also recognize some of 
the social obstacles to doing so. But while there will always be 
mentally ill people, a few of whom are violent, it is our 
gun-centered cultural disease that converts mental illness into massacre.

Indeed, I would claim that a gun is not just a lethal device but a 
psychological actor in this terrible drama. Guns and ammunition were 
at the heart of Seung-Hui Cho's elaborate orchestration of the event 
and of his Rambo-like self-presentation to the world. When you look 
at those pictures, you understand how a gun can merge so fully with a 
person that a man who makes regular use of it could (in the 
historical West and in Hollywood) become known as a gun.

Some years ago, the distinguished historian Richard Hofstadter told 
me that, after a lifetime of studying American culture, what he found 
most deeply troubling was our country's inability to come to terms 
with the gun -- which in turn strongly affected our domestic and 
international attitudes. Emotions of extreme attachment to and even 
sacralization of the gun pervade American society, and commercial 
interests shamelessly manipulate those emotions to produce wildly 
self-destructive policies.


Posted By johannes to 
at 5/05/2007 01:46:00 PM  

[monochrom] R.I.P.

2007-05-05 Diskussionsfäden Clemens Stecher
Wien ist um ein Original ärmer und ich traurig: Gusti Wolf ist tot.


[monochrom] Akustik Minimal Techno

2007-05-05 Diskussionsfäden andreas stoiber
Wer sich schon immer mal gefragt hat,
wie es klingt, wenn 12 Musiker über
mehrere Stunden extrem monotone Loops
auf akustischen Instrumenten spielen
ist herzlich eingeladen:

Am Dienstag, den 8.Mai spielt die Band
Das Rad einen ganzen Abend lang im
Rahmen der Stromlosen Nacht im fluc.

Kein Eintritt. Dauer: 20.00 bis 2.00 Uhr


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