[monochrom] Modern Cosmology: Science or Folktale?

2007-08-19 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Current cosmological theory rests on a disturbingly small number of independent observations. It appears that everybody is interested in cosmology. In one anthropological study, every one of the more than 60 separate cultures examined was found to have several common characteristics,

[monochrom] Weapons of mass financial destruction

2007-08-19 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Last month a major US hedge fund, Amaranth Advisors, lost more than half its assets in a week, speculating on natural gas prices. The company proved correct the chief worry of such major financial institutions as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund: that financial reality is now

[monochrom] monochrom: The Redro Loitzl Story

2007-08-19 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Our short film about hope and space. http://www.monochrom.at/the-redro-loitzl-story/Link (movie download) -- Posted By johannes to http://www.monochrom.at/english/2007/08/monochrom-redro-loitzl-story.htmmonochrom at 8/19/2007 05:27:00 PM

[monochrom] Alice in Wonderland Quotations

2007-08-19 Diskussionsfäden andreas stoiber
The Duchess: If everybody minded their own business, the world would go around a great deal faster than it does. http://quotations.about.com/od/moretypes/a/alice1.htm