[monochrom] From Jamestown to Virginia Tech: Colonization and Massacres

2008-04-18 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
By Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz. What does it mean, if anything, that a student, child of Korean immigrants, killed thirty classmates and faculty at a Virginia university while nearby celebrations of the onset of colonialism was taking place? In April 2007, all the news seemed to be coming from

[monochrom] Runglish

2008-04-18 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Runglish (Ruglish, Russlish Russian), is a neologism increasingly used to denote at least three different interferences of Russian and English languages: pidgin, spoken manner, and informal latinizations of the Cyrillic alphabet. Humor: The following joke vividly illustrates some of the

[monochrom] Veranstaltungstipp für SA 19.4 DIE RADIERER live

2008-04-18 Diskussionsfäden Frank Schneider
Hallo Kleiner Veranstaltungstipp: am Sa, so ab 21:00 spielt im Vanity Vague, Wien die NDW-Legende DIE RADIERER („Angriff aufs Schlaraffenland“, „Drogentod“, „Gott lebt, es geht ihm gut“, „Ich eß Lego“) Als Tourgitarrist dabei: Uwe Jahnke (von der legendären Fehlfarben-Bestezung, die

[monochrom] Portal - Still Alive - Credits Song

2008-04-18 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal_(video_game)Portal's closing credits song Still Alive is a really great piece of music. The song was written by Jonathan Coulton and sung by Ellen McLain as the GLaDOS character. http://itsthedoc.net/music/portal_still_alive.mp3MP3 (thanx, johl!)