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Martin Mair

> *From:* Krystian Woznicki <
> <>>
> *Date:* 1 Dec 2015 09:37:12 GMT+1
> *To:* <>
> *Subject:* *[bgcon] "Solidarity with Library Genesis and Scicence Hub"*
> *Reply-To:* <>
> Hi,
> you probably heard about the case where Elsevier won against Library
> Genesis and Sci-hub. And probably also heard about all of the calls for
> boycott of Elsevier (Dutch ministry of education, among others),
> petitions to save Ashgate publishing, a collective resignation of Lingua
> journal etc.
> A group of people working on shadow libraries and archives, most of them
> working in the neighboorhood of Berliner Gazette as well as our
> UN|COMMONS project, decided to take a public stance. They think that
> it's a moment to emerge from anonymity around sharing of academic
> articles and publications. And they wrote a letter that calls for
> "Solidarity with Library Genesis and Scicence Hub". Here the link to it:
> See below as plain text.
> The initiators of this call are i.e. Dušan Barok (
> <>), Sean
> Dockray (aaaaarg), Kenneth Goldsmith (ubu), Sebastian Lütgert
> ( <>), Anthony Iles, Josephine Berry and
> Pauline van Mourik
> Broekman (all Mute), Femke Snelting (Constant/Memory of the World),
> spideralex (Calafou/Memory of the World), Lawrence Liang (Alternative
> Law Forum), Dubravka Sekulić, Tomislav Medak and Marcell Mars (all
> Memory of the World). They have no fantasy that the letter will topple
> the might of academic publishers, but the anger over loosing access to
> Science Hub is such that it might shift the atmosphere further against
> this being only a game of legal hide and seek.
> After you see it "officially" shared by people listed above, we would
> appreciate if you could support it by sharing it among your friends, via
> social networks, recommending for press coverage etc. The initiators
> care in particular for the support from beyond the northatlantic world.
> If you have any suggestions, contacts or ideas how to improve this
> action or make it more visible or better please don't hesitate to
> contact the initiators at the following email address
> <
> <>>. They would appreciate that
> a lot!
> This gesture is necessary for establishing the solidarity network for
> the future struggles. Some of the legal problems already started with
> Aaaaarg and Memory of the World (i.e. Public Library). As you will see
> in the letter (below, around 6 minutes read) the initiators try to
> introduce the 'custodian' identity which is inclusive and hopefully
> exciting and motivating all of the people who care about knowledge,
> internet and the world.
> Best wishes,
> Krystian
> ---
> Suggested taglines are:
> on twitter:
> 4LibGen&Sci-hub: share this letter, read it in public, care for the
> libraries, water the ❀❀❀❀❀, clean the volcanoes.
> on facebook:
> "
> In Solidarity with Library Genesis and Sci-hub
> Share this letter - read it in public - leave it in the printer. Share
> your writing - digitize a book - upload your files. Don't let our
> knowledge be crushed. Care for the libraries - care for the metadata -
> care for the backup. Water the ❀❀❀❀❀ - clean the volcanoes."
> Now, here is the letter:
> *# In solidarity with Library Genesis and Sci-Hub*
> In Antoine de Saint Exupéry's tale the Little Prince meets a businessman
> who accumulates stars with the sole purpose of being able to buy more
> stars. The Little Prince is perplexed. He owns only a flower, which he
> waters every day. Three volcanoes, which he cleans every week. "It is of
> some use to my volcanoes, and it is of some use to my flower, that I own
> them," he says, "but you are of no use to the stars that you own".
> There are many businessmen who own knowledge today. Consider Elsevier,
> the largest scholarly publisher, whose 37% profit margin[^1] stands in
> sharp contrast to the rising fees, expanding student loan debt and
> poverty-level wages for adjunct faculty. Elsevier owns some of the
> largest databases of academic material, which are licensed at prices so
> scandalously high that even Harvard, the richest university of the
> global north, has complained that it cannot afford them any longer.
> Robert Darnton, the past director of Harvard Library, says "We faculty
> do the research, write the papers, referee papers by other researchers,
> serve on editorial boards, all of it for free … and then we buy back the
> results of our labour at outrageous prices."[^2] For all the work
> supported by public money benefiting scholarly publishers, particularly
> the peer review that grounds their legitimacy, journal articles are
> priced such that they prohibit access to science to many academics - and
> all non-academics - across the world, and render it a token of
> privilege[^3].
> Elsevier has recently filed a copyright infringement suit in New York
> against Science Hub and Library Genesis claiming millions of dollars in
> damages.[^4] This has come as a big blow, not just to the administrators
> of the websites but also to thousands of researchers around the world
> for whom these sites are the only viable source of academic materials.
> The social media, mailing lists and IRC channels have been filled with
> their distress messages, desperately seeking articles and publications.
> Even as the New York District Court was delivering its injunction, news
> came of the entire editorial board of highly-esteemed journal Lingua
> handing in their collective resignation, citing as their reason the
> refusal by Elsevier to go open access and give up on the high fees it
> charges to authors and their academic institutions. As we write these
> lines, a petition is doing the rounds demanding that Taylor & Francis
> doesn't shut down Ashgate[^5], a formerly independent humanities
> publisher that it acquired earlier in 2015. It is threatened to go the
> way of other small publishers that are being rolled over by the growing
> monopoly and concentration in the publishing market. These are just some
> of the signs that the system is broken. It devalues us, authors, editors
> and readers alike. It parasites on our labor, it thwarts our service to
> the public, it denies us access[^6].
> We have the means and methods to make knowledge accessible to everyone,
> with no economic barrier to access and at a much lower cost to society.
> But closed access’s monopoly over academic publishing, its spectacular
> profits and its central role in the allocation of academic prestige
> trumps the public interest. Commercial publishers effectively impede
> open access, criminalize us, prosecute our heroes and heroines, and
> destroy our libraries, again and again. Before Science Hub and Library
> Genesis there was or Gigapedia; before Gigapedia there was
> <>; before <>
> there was little; and before there was
> little there was nothing. That's what they want: to reduce most of us
> back to nothing. And they have the full support of the courts and law to
> do exactly that.[^7]
> In Elsevier's case against Sci-Hub and Library Genesis, the judge said:
> "simply making copyrighted content available for free via a foreign
> website, deserves the public interest"[^8]. Alexandra Elbakyan's
> original plea put the stakes much higher: "If Elsevier manages to shut
> down our projects or force them into the darknet, that will demonstrate
> an important idea: that the public does not have the right to knowledge."
> We demonstrate daily, and on a massive scale, that the system is broken.
> We share our writing secretly behind the backs of our publishers,
> circumvent paywalls to access articles and publications, digitize and
> upload books to libraries. This is the other side of 37% profit margins:
> our knowledge commons grows in the fault lines of a broken system. We
> are all custodians of knowledge, custodians of the same infrastructures
> that we depend on for producing knowledge, custodians of our fertile but
> fragile commons. To be a custodian is, de facto, to download, to share,
> to read, to write, to review, to edit, to digitize, to archive, to
> maintain libraries, to make them accessible. It is to be of use to, not
> to make property of, our knowledge commons.
> More than seven years ago Aaron Swartz, who spared no risk in standing
> up for what we here urge you to stand up for too, wrote: "We need to
> take information, wherever it is stored, make our copies and share them
> with the world. We need to take stuff that's out of copyright and add it
> to the archive. We need to buy secret databases and put them on the Web.
> We need to download scientific journals and upload them to file sharing
> networks. We need to fight for Guerilla Open Access. With enough of us,
> around the world, we'll not just send a strong message opposing the
> privatization of knowledge — we'll make it a thing of the past. Will you
> join us?"[^9]
> We find ourselves at a decisive moment. This is the time to recognize
> that the very existence of our massive knowledge commons is an act of
> collective civil disobedience. It is the time to emerge from hiding and
> put our names behind this act of resistance. You may feel isolated, but
> there are many of us. The anger, desperation and fear of losing our
> library infrastructures, voiced across the internet, tell us that. This
> is the time for us custodians, being dogs, humans or cyborgs, with our
> names, nicknames and pseudonyms, to raise our voices.
> Share this letter - read it in public - leave it in the printer. Share
> your writing - digitize a book - upload your files. Don't let our
> knowledge be crushed. Care for the libraries - care for the metadata -
> care for the backup. Water the flowers - clean the volcanoes.
> ----
> [^1]:
> [^2]:
> [^3]:
> [^4]:
> [^5]:
> [^6]:
> [^7]: In fact, with the TPP and TTIP being rushed through the
> legislative process, no domain registrar, ISP provider, host or human
> rights organization will be able to prevent copyright industries and
> courts from criminalizing and shutting down websites "expeditiously".
> [^8]:
> [^9]:
> -- 
> -------------------------------------------------
> Projects, papers, recordings, photos and videos from the
> international conference on the fight for common wealth  
> -------------------------------------------------

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