'The Edge of Surrealism' is an essential introduction to the writing of French social theorist Roger Caillois. Caillois was part of the Surrealist avant-garde and in the 1930s founded the College of Sociology with Georges Bataille and Michel Leiris. He spent his life exploring issues raised by this famous group and by Surrealism itself. Though his subjects were diverse, Caillois focused on concerns crucial to modern intellectual life, and his essays offer a unique perspective on many of twentieth-century France's most significant intellectual movements and figures.

<http://www.radicalphilosophy.com/pdf/128_macey.pdf>"To be matter" is a review of 'The Edge of Surrealism' published in <http://www.radicalphilosophy.com/>'Radical Philosophy'.

(Claudine Frank, ed., The Edge of Surrealism: A Roger Caillois Reader, Duke University Press, Durham NC, 2003.)

Posted by johannes to <http://www.monochrom.at/english/2007/02/to-be-matter-edge-of-surrealism.htm>monochrom at 2/01/2007 04:53:00 PM
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