*Moms and dads,*
*Semoga berguna, diambil dari American Academy of Pediatrics.*
*How can I help my child learn to read?*

Reading books aloud is one of the best ways you can help your child learn to
read. This can be fun for you, too. The more excitement you show when you
read a book, the more your child will enjoy it. The most important thing to
remember is to let your child set her own pace and have fun at whatever she
is doing. Do the following when reading to your child:

   - Run your finger under the words as you read to show your child that
   the print carries the story.
   - Use funny voices and animal noises. Do not be afraid to ham it up!
   This will help your child get excited about the story.
   - Stop to look at the pictures; ask your child to name things she sees
   in the pictures. Talk about how the pictures relate to the story.
   - Invite your child to join in whenever there is a repeated phrase in
   the text.
   - Show your child how events in the book are similar to events in your
   child's life.
   - If your child asks a question, stop and answer it. The book may help
   your child express her thoughts and solve her own problems.
   - Keep reading to your child even after she learns to read. A child
   can listen and understand more difficult stories than she can read on her

 *Listening to your child read aloud*

Once your child begins to read, have him read out loud. This can help build
your child's confidence in his ability to read and help him enjoy learning
new skills. Take turns reading with your child to model more advanced
reading skills.

If your child asks for help with a word, give it right away so that he does
not lose the meaning of the story. Do not force your child to sound out the
word. On the other hand, if your child wants to sound out a word, do not
stop him.

If your child substitutes one word for another while reading, see if it
makes sense. If your child uses the word "dog" instead of "pup," for
example, the meaning is the same. Do not stop the reading to correct him. If
your child uses a word that makes no sense (such as "road" for "read"), ask
him to read the sentence again because you are not sure you understand what
has just been read. Recognize your child's energy limits. Stop each session
at or before the earliest signs of fatigue or frustration.

Most of all, make sure you give your child lots of praise! You are your
child's first, and most important, teacher. The praise and support you give
your child as he learns to read will help him enjoy reading and learning
even more.

*Learning to read in school*

Most children learn to read by 6 or 7 years of age. Some children learn at 4
or 5 years of age. Even if a child has a head start, she may not stay ahead
once school starts. The other students most likely will catch up during the
second or third grade. Pushing your child to read before she is ready can
get in the way of your child's interest in learning. Children who really
enjoy learning are more likely to do well in school. This love of learning
cannot be forced.

As your child begins elementary school, she will begin her formal reading
education. There are many ways to teach children to read. One way emphasizes
word recognition and teaches children to understand a whole word's meaning
by how it is used. Learning which sounds the letters represent—phonics—is
another way children learn to read. Phonics is used to help "decode" or
sound out words. Focusing on the connections between the spoken and written
word is another technique. Most teachers use a combination of methods to
teach children how to read.

Reading is an important skill for children to learn. Most children learn to
read without any major problems. Pushing a child to learn before she is
ready can make learning to read frustrating. But reading together and
playing games with books make reading fun. Parents need to be involved in
their child's learning. Encouraging a child's love of learning will go a
long way to ensuring success in school.

*Reading tips*

The following are a few tips to keep in mind as your child learns to read:

   - Set aside time every day to read together. Many children like to
   have stories read to them at bedtime. This is a great way to wind down after
   a busy day and get ready for sleep.
   - Leave books in your child's room for her to enjoy on her own. Make
   sure her room is reading-friendly with a comfortable bed or chair,
   bookshelf, and reading lamp.
   - Read books that your child enjoys. After a while, your child may
   learn the words to her favorite book. When this happens, let your child
   complete the sentences or take turns reciting the words.
   - Do not drill your child on letters, numbers, colors, shapes, or
   words. Instead, make a game out of it and find ways to encourage your
   child's curiosity and interests.

 Published online: 3/07|
Source: *Helping Your Child Learn to Read* (Copyright (c) 1999 American
Academy of Pediatrics)

Healthcare professionals may order this
multi-copy packs.
Parents can find more information on this topic in *Caring for Your Baby and
Young Child: Birth to Age 5*. To order a copy of this book visit the AAP
Bookstore <http://www.aap.org/bst/showdetl.cfm?&DID=15&Product_ID=3909>.


The information contained in this publication should not be used as a
substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may
be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on
individual facts and circumstances.

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