[SNN] News, 14.09.2004, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2004-09-14 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Deutsche Welle English Service News September,14th, 2004, 16:00 UTC -- Today's highlight on DW-WORLD: A Land of Differences While the core of German president Horst Köhler's remarks on differences in li

[SNN] George Kenney's letter to Slobodan Milosevic

2004-09-14 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
Herewith, the complete text of George Kenney's Sep. 8 letter to Milosevic. (from David Peterson's weblog http://blog.zmag.org/bloggers/?blogger=peterson ) September 8, 2004 Washington DC Mr. Milosevic, After due consideration I had agreed willingly to be one of your defense witnesses at the I

[SNN] Up Against These Laws, International Law (And Milosevic) Haven't A Chance

2004-09-14 Thread ANTIC.org-SNN
  September 15, 2004 The Milosevic Trial Up Against These Laws, International Law (And Milosevic) Haven't A Chance By Stephen Gowans http://www3.sympatico.ca/sr.gowans/trial.html It would be naïve to expect there can be anything other than a guilty verdict in the Milosevic case, if