Hello everyone,
      One of the reasons I moved out of Calicut was to try to start a
hacker school like setup in North Kerala. There's plenty of colleges and
talented students there but many of them lack direction and
      I've found myself a little place and am offerring a 3 month long
course to help students develop some skills that they might find useful
in the industry and in their technical careers in general. I'm hoping to
get to know the students during the course and then put them in touch
with small companies that are looking for talent. 
     I have a website at http://thelycaeum.in (and it should be obvious
that I'm quite lacking in the digital design department) and the site
blog mentions the course and the contents. 

     I'm mailing here because I know that a lof of companies that use
Python hang out here and this might be relevant to them. 


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