Hey, thank you a lot, I did 2) and just created a symbolic link to the new directory, all is working fine :-D

I really thought it would be more complicated, I imagined to change files within the bareos system, that's why I posted my question here.


On 09/03/20 12:06, Spadajspadaj wrote:
Every way is safe as long as you prepare for it :-)

But seriously, you have two main options

1) Do a database dump and restore to a bigger server. (the "logical migration")

2) Stop the postgresql service, make a new filesystem on a bigger device, move the database files there and mount the device under /var/lib/postgresql. (the "physical migration").

I'm sure there are tons of howtos around the web since that's not bareos-specific topic.

Of course if you move your database to a different server you'll have to point the bareos director to the new server (update the config).

Best regards


On 09.03.2020 11:59, 'DUCARROZ Birgit' via bareos-users wrote:
Hi list,

I wonder how it is the safest way to move my database from /var/lib/postgresql to a bigger disk

Actually my local disk /dev/sdb1 has a size of 157G and the database consumes already 80G. In 2 months I will be out of space.

Please can you help me? I'm a total newbe with postresql


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