Hi there.

I added a laptop client to my bareos setup and everything runs mostly fine except for the fact that if the job is scheduled for - let's say - 9pm, it tries to run, tries to connect to fd and since the laptop is down, the job fails.

I was wondering how I can avoid those failed jobs and possibly have bareos server wait for a client to appear.

I pondered two options:

1) Have completely manual "schedule", so the job never runs on its own. I need to manually run the job every time I have a laptop available in my network. But I'm not sure I can specify a schedule which never runs on its own. Is it even possible? Or

2) Have bareos server wait for the fd to appear on the network. Now that's trickier. I thought about writing a script and running it as a pre-job script effectively delaying start of the job itself until I can reach the fd but:

a) I'm not sure if the pre-job script is run before the initial connection to fd or after. (haven't tried it yet; just thought about it today driving to work :-)) and

b) If I understand correctly, such job with a pre-job script would effectively block other jobs from running in the same time, right? So if I have a schedule for all jobs to start at 9pm, then other jobs (for now let's not complicate matters with priorities) would wait for my script to time-out with the Max Run Time limit?

Any other ideas?

What I would ideally want to achieve is to have bareos do a backup of my laptop when it gets available on the network (when I come back home and power on the laptop) but of course not more than once a day.

Of course I can (and probably will if there are no other options) do an external script which probes the network for the laptop and if found runs the apropriate job but I was wondering if I can do something like that "from within" bareos.



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