Am 04.03.2011 22:39, schrieb wikla:

But today Peter Steur's work and pages are very important to actual players
and researchers of baroque lute - there are some mistakes in the keys etc
here and there - as there are errors in any study - but I would like to
suggest us to give a heavy support to Peter's valuable work!

Dear Arto and others,
it would be fine, if you would give a notice, if you find mistakes or problems on the manuscript page ( ), so that Peter can correct it.

He has begun, as he explains in the foreword, with the concordance list of Weiss works, that I established with the help of many others, and expanded it on nearly all baroque lute manuscripts.

Everyone is free to add his findings or his corrections by sending them to Peter or me.

Peter has all of the data in his hands, whereas I am responsible for the php-code that helps to show the content (ms data, concordances, incipits etc.), filter it etc.

In the last days I have added a short explanation to the established filters - I hope it is now easier to understand. If the pages take some time to load this might come from the incipits, that at the moment are made anew every time, I change the code ...

I really do not know, what is Peter's relation to the "official
musicology", but I strongly suggest most close co-operation!

Both of us are in close contact to Tim and other musicologists, that have to do with lute music.

Best regards


Markus Lutz
Schulstraße 11

88422 Bad Buchau

Tel  0 75 82 / 92 62 89
Fax  0 75 82 / 92 62 90

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