On 2013-09-09 16:04, Laurent Troxler wrote:
> Hello  all, Ì am new at Base and trying to install it on a Mac OS
> 10.6 server. Looking in the mailing list archives did not bring me
> any helping information, Mac OS does not appear often. Therefore I
> submit you my problem. After downloading and unpacking Base, setting
> Apache, MySQL, TomCat, and configuring Base I reached the step of the
> database initialization with the instruction : ./initdb.sh
> [base_root_login] base_root_password Below is what I get in return on
> my terminal. I am using the Base root login and password defined in
> MySQL but it looks like it is not recognized. Is there anyone having
> faced such problem in similar configuration or having suggestion

It seems like the root problem is that MySQL is not letting the BASE
installation to connect to the database.

The first step is to verify/make sure that you can connect manually to 
MySQL using the same username and password as you have specified in the 
base.config file. Depending on how networking is set up it may help to 
replace 'localhost' with '' when granting access to MySQL and 
in the 'base.config' file (db.url setting).


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