Yannick Lippi wrote:
> __SECOND QUESTION: R/G quantile normalization
> Jari said:
>> Obviously R-G quantile is not supported since the methods in 
>> net.sf.basedb.normalizers only work on ratios.
>   - i am not expert on java developping.. but what does mean: methods in
> net.sf.basedb.normalizers only work on ratios

Yes, the released normalizers work on ratios for 2-channel data. The 
normalizers work on 1-channel data also but obviously no on ratios in 
this case. The same is true for the new normalizers in development (to 
be relased in 1.1 due soon).

>   - Do you mean it is not possible to implement plugins to perform R/G
> quantile normalizations?

Of course, it is possible to implement such plug-ins. However, there is 
no plan from our side to do that. As always, we are happy to include 
contributions from other developers.

>   - how could i pass through this problem?

You need to create a plug-in that performs your specific normalization. 
It should be straightforward to add to the qQuantileNormalizer as 
options but unfortunately we cannot promise to do this work for you. 
I'll add R/G qQuantileNormalizations as wish list tickets to the plug-in 
dev site.



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