Re: [base] Sample annotation error(s) ??

2008-01-15 Thread Nicklas Nordborg
Johan van Heerden wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been experiencing strange problems (BASE V2.4.5)
> with sample annotations.  The first problem seems to
> be related to a limit on the number of annotation
> fields allowed (I'm not sure if there is a limit?).  I
> have been trying to attach non-array type data to
> samples as annotations. Specifically, I have 83
> annotation fields per sample.  I managed to create all
> annotation types without any hitches, but as soon as I
> go to the Samples page and try to initiate any other
> action (e.g. importing of annotation data) from this
> page I get a msg saying that I'm not logged in, OR
> that the server has been restarted. I've manage to
> avoid this problem, however, if I reduce the number of
> annotation fields to somewhere < 50 (I haven't
> determined the exact limit yet).  Any ideas why this
> should happen?  

There is no special limit. Have you checked Tomcat's logfile for any 
error messages? The message about being logged out is typical when an 
unexpected error happens during the page generation befor the session ID
has been written to the output. You have not actually been logged out. 
Going back to the previous page would allow you to continue working.

> The second problem relates to the annotation importer
> (this might be related to the first).  Once I've
> reduced the number of annotation fields to enable me
> to initialise the importer wizard, I manage to start
> the importing of data, but keep on getting a msg
> saying that: 
> "Item not found: Sample[name=T10656.b1.WBA.plasma] on
> line 2: T10656.b1.WBA.pla..."
> I've tried to create simpler sample entries (i.e. Not
> seperated by "."), but this generates the same error
> msg.  I've previously had this working, which leaves
> me somewhat baffled?  Any ideas?

The samples must exists before running the annotation importer. If they 
do, make sure that you set the options where the annotation importer 
should look for them (owned by you, in the current projects, etc...)


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Re: [base] Sample annotation error(s) ??

2008-01-16 Thread Johan van Heerden
Thanks for the rapid response!

I managed to sort the second problem out, it seems
that an increase in the memory allocated to Tomcat
solved it...all samples are now found!

With regards to the termination of my session when
working on the main Samples page (with +/- 85
annotation fields visible). I've looked at the Tomcat
log, but I'm not to sure what to look for.  The log
data is included at the end of this msg (first bit is
generated when I navigate to the Samples page, 2nd bit
is generated when I try and open any window from this
page) below.  I've tried to do some diagnostics and
the problem seems to be related to the number of
annotation fields visible in the main view.  As soon
as I reduce the number of annotation columns to 62
everything works fine.  Having looked at why 63 fields
seem to produce some limit I found that the URL being
passed to backend (URL in address bar of error page)
seems to be truncated (with the cmd function, which is
“Import” in this case, being truncated as "impo" (see
below).  The Web interface also generates an error
saying "Invalid command: The command Impo is not
recognised as a valid command." (Screenshot can be


As soon as the annotation fields are increased to 64,
I get an error saying that I’m no longer logged in or
that BASE has been restarted.  I presume this is
because the “&ID=” bit is being truncated?
 At 62 annotation fields, the Import screen activated
without any problems and the URL in the address bar


Any ideas as to how to get around this problem will be
greatly appreciated!!


#1 [Navigating to Samples view]


Re: [base] Sample annotation error(s) ??

2008-01-16 Thread Nicklas Nordborg

The analysis is excellent and the information is just what we needed. 
The problem is that there is a limit on how long an URL can be. This is 
different from browser to browser. It can also be affected by what the 
server can handle and if there are any proxys the request is passing 
through. If found this link which has investigated some limitations:

If you are using IE this would explain why the URL gets truncated.

Obviously the problem needs to be fixed on the BASE side. We should not 
generate URLs that are as long as this. In the meantime I see only two 
possible workarounds:

1) Don't display too many columns. The limit of 62 may become lower if 
you are filtering since the filter string(s) will also be added to the URL.

2) Try to use Firefox instead. This option will of course only work if 
the web server, proxies, etc. also supports longer URLs.


Johan van Heerden wrote:
> Thanks for the rapid response!
> I managed to sort the second problem out, it seems
> that an increase in the memory allocated to Tomcat
> solved it...all samples are now found!
> With regards to the termination of my session when
> working on the main Samples page (with +/- 85
> annotation fields visible). I've looked at the Tomcat
> log, but I'm not to sure what to look for.  The log
> data is included at the end of this msg (first bit is
> generated when I navigate to the Samples page, 2nd bit
> is generated when I try and open any window from this
> page) below.  I've tried to do some diagnostics and
> the problem seems to be related to the number of
> annotation fields visible in the main view.  As soon
> as I reduce the number of annotation columns to 62
> everything works fine.  Having looked at why 63 fields
> seem to produce some limit I found that the URL being
> passed to backend (URL in address bar of error page)
> seems to be truncated (with the cmd function, which is
> “Import” in this case, being truncated as "impo" (see
> below).  The Web interface also generates an error
> saying "Invalid command: The command Impo is not
> recognised as a valid command." (Screenshot can be
> sent.)
> http://xx.xx.xx/base2/biomaterials/samples/index.jsp?rowsperpage=10&presetselector=&filter%3ASTRING%3Aname=%25WBA%25.plasma&filter%3ASTRING%3AexternalId=&filter%3AFLOAT%3AoriginalQuantity=&filter%3AFLOAT%3AremainingQuantity=&

> DOUBLE%3A%2358=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2359=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2357=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2362=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2361=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2360=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2365=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2364=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2363=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2368=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2367=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2366=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2370=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2371=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2369=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2322=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2323=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2321=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2328=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2329=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2327=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2325=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2326=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2324=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2331=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2332=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2330=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2334=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2335=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2333=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2340=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2341=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2339=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2343=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2344=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2342=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2352=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2353=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2351=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%237

> 3=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2374=&filter%3ADOUBLE%3A%2372=&rowsperpage=10&ID=4721ceb93fa55a04&cmd=Impo
> As soon as the annotation fields are increased to 64,
> I get an error saying that I’m no longer logged in or
> that BASE has been restarted.  I presume this is
> because the “&ID=” bit is being truncated?
>  At 62 annotation fields, the Import screen activated
> without any problems and the URL in the address bar
> is: 
> http://xx.xx.xx/base2/common/import/index.jsp?ID=bf0b70ec121da201&cmd=SelectPlugin&item_type=SAMPLE&context_type=LIST&title=Import+sample
> Any ideas as to how to get around this problem will be
> greatly appreciated!!

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