Hi Christian,

Looking good. One minor issue,  the *two* argument form of session:get [1]
with a default seems to be broken.

[XPST0017] Java function 'org.basex.modules.Session:get' is not found.

Also regarding the wiki session documentation: The session get/set
functions are documented as only taking string values but, usefully, they
will take other data such as nodes. Is this a stable feature, that should
be documented?


[1] http://docs.basex.org/wiki/Session_Module

On 27 June 2014 16:27, Christian Grün <christian.gr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear subscribers,
> in the midst of summertime, we provide you with a great new version
> of BaseX, our XML database system and XQuery 3.0 processor!
> This is what you get:
> - Unit testing has been improved a lot. All test functions will now be
>   evaluated separately; this way, updates can be performed within test.
> - with the new TEST command, all test modules in a specified directory
>   can be evaluated.
> - tests can be invoked from within the GUI editor and project view.
> - on command-line, the -t flag can be used for the same purpose.
> - Custom HTTP methods can be defined via %rest:method
> - Error handling has been improved and aligned with try/catch
> - The "run" operation allows execution of server-side command scripts
> - parsing options added to db:create, db:add and db:replace
> As usual, various minor bugs and inconsistencies have been fixed in
> the latest version; check out our documentation and the GitHub
> history for more details!
> The latest version is available at http://basex.org.
> We are looking forward to your feedback,
> Christian
> BaseX Team

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