Hi Christian,

it works like a charme.

Thanks a lot.




Von: Christian Grün <christian.gr...@gmail.com> 
Gesendet: Montag, 29. August 2022 13:58
An: Andreas Hengsbach | nexoma <andreas.hengsb...@nexoma.de>
Cc: BaseX <basex-talk@mailman.uni-konstanz.de>
Betreff: Re: [basex-talk] Exception handling in XQuery-Java-Binding


Hi Andreas,


Exceptions in Java bindings are all caught by BaseX as we want to keep control 
over unexpected behavior. For custom exceptions, the recommendable approach is 
to throw instances of the QueryException class. This way, you can directly 
access the error description:



import org.basex.query.*;


public class YourClass {

  public static void yourMethod() throws QueryException {

    throw new QueryException("Stopped...");




(: XQUERY :)

try {


} catch basex:error {

  (: result: "Stopped..." :)




You can also define a custom error code as follows:



import org.basex.query.*;


... throw new QueryException(

  null, new QNm("custom"), "Stopped..."



(: XQUERY :)

try { ... } catch custom { ... }


Hope this helps,



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