Dear Marco,

Thanks for your suggestions on how to extend RESTXQ to provide better
support for multipart requests.

I am also passing your proposal on to Adam Retter of eXist-db, as it
might be interesting to define a generic solution for all
implementations. Adam, do you think that this could be a valuable
extension for RESTXQ 2.0? Did you already tackle RESTXQ multipart
features in eXist-db? The current solution in BaseX is documented in
[2]. One clear restriction (as Marco notes in his proposal) is we are
currently ignoring all content types information.

Thanks and cheers,


On Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 1:19 PM, Marco Lettere <> wrote:
> Dear Christian and BaseX community,
> working with multipart requests and RestXQ lately, we have the feeling that
> there could be a way to intercept the structure of the request with
> annotations in order to perform a more fine grained access to the single
> parts.
> At the moment the docs state the following example where, due to the
> consumes annotation reporting multipart/mixed, the data is returned as a
> sequence of items:
> declare
>   %rest:path("/multipart")
>   %rest:POST("{$data}")
>   %rest:consumes("multipart/mixed") (: optional :)
> function page:multipart($data as item()*) {
>   "Number of items: " || count($data)
> };
> Do you think that an approach where the content negotiation is refined to
> single parts could be implementable?
> What we have in mind is something like the following snippet.
> Besides the usual sequence based representation of the body, parts are
> extracted as variables (part named “partname1” with $part1 and type
> validated/coerced to the function signature and so on).
> declare
>   %rest:path("/multipart")
>   %rest:POST("{$data}”) (: {$data} Could be removed at all or is out of
> standard? :)
>   %rest:consumes("multipart/mixed") (: optional :)
> %input:part("{$part1}", "partname1") (: partname could be inferred from
> Content-Disposition and Content-Type for type coercion applied as usually
> with single-part requests :)
>            %input:part("{$part2}", "partname2")
> function p:multipart($data as item()*, $part1 as xs:binary, $part2 as
> node()) {
>   p:do-something-with($part1)
>   };
> Maybe even the serialization method could be declared...
> declare
>   %rest:path("/multipart")
>   %rest:POST("{$data}")
>   %rest:consumes("multipart/mixed") (: optional :) %input:part("{$part1}",
> "partname", "csv;separator=','") (: Just as an example ...:)
> function p:multipart($data as item()*, $part1 as node()) {
>   p:do-something-with($part1)
> }; Finally a check on the part count could be enforced in order to disallow
> requests that do not match declare %rest:path("/multipart")
> %rest:POST("{$data}") %rest:consumes("multipart/mixed") (: optional :)
> %input:part("{$part1}", "partname", "csv,separator=','")
> %input:part-count(2) function p:multipart($data as item()*, $part1 as
> node()) { p:do-something-with($part1) };
> This makes for a nice, declarative way of extracting parts or ensuring that
> the structure of the requests respects a given REST service contract.
> We understand that RestXQ is a shared formalization effort in the XML
> community but maybe there could be some opportunity to experiment and
> propose an addition to the specification?
> As usual thanks a lot for your attention.
> Best regards
> Marco.

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