Minutes of Meeting # 1445
Monday, April 9, 2018

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
held at the Black Bear Diner, Milpitas

Was called to order at 20:00 with 18 people in attendance.

A party jar was established 

Minutes of meeting #1444 were posted prior to the meeting and were accepted as: 
Teach a BASFAn to read and he’ll minutes for life.

Treasurer Report.   - We have monies

The VP had nothing Fannish to report.

The President was MIA with the secretary.

Committee Reports       

Tickets still available for SF Giants. on 5/18 $30/ea. SW night vs. Colorado. 
Include SW premium. Contact DaveG
SJ Giants. Friday 6/15 7pm, VIP Deck $52/each included food and beverage 
Contact ba...@p4tt.com


Contact was last weekend, substantial party supplies are left over (including 
not terribly perishable foods). Let Gerold know if you are interested.

BAGH Investigation at the historic San Leandro Train Depot, lead by Stacy Meyn. 
$45  Friday, April 27. Another on May 12, in Hayward at the Meek Mansion. $85

Anyone know Joomla? Would love to chat with them.

Saturday at the Centerville Presbyterian Church in Fremont - All you can eat 
Pancakes! $8


There was a Convention this past weekend: SVCC - year 3. Good primer for what 
not to do in terms of signage for WC76. Lots of celebs. Claustrophobic. Thinks 
next year may tap out on attendance. 
Candace. Had good traffic in the artists alley her book sales
Adrienne. Liked Freema Agymen. David Tennant was business like for photo ops. 
Sunday was kind of light, which made it easier to deal. Good to see Leela 
Dowling again.
DaveC. Lines marked with colored tape on the floor, not ropes. Getting to the 
WC76 table was an effort. Tagging in and out. Dealers room was Funko and arts & 
crafts. Project Outreach was doing good at giving out books and info on other 
Lisa. Crowded on Saturday, but was able to make it to panels. This year they 
weren’t clearing out the rooms between panels. More books in the dealers room 
than she expected.
evilKevin. Only able to come on Sunday - in BatMan 66 costumes. But changed so 
he could talk about WC76.
Randy. There on Friday, in the WC76 booth and SF Outreach booth - which he had 
fun at, giving away books! Dealers room was grouped in similar items.
Bradford. There all 3 days - took only 15 mins to get his reg done (15 min 
early helped). Diversity in SF Films was well attended, with a post panel 
discussion. More golden age comic sales guys then last year - and ran up his 
credit card... Sold 1/3 of his books! Met “Wally & the Beav” - discussed french 
cuisine and philosophy.

Went to Seattle for Norwescon, but also went to Seattle Centre and a standing 
exhibit of Chihuly glass works. Amazing and astounding.
Went to the 3Below to see An Evening with Groucho. Played as Groucho in his 
prime, jumping around and insulting people. 

Six Wakes by Mur Lafferty. Made the Hugo Finalists. Really good. Locked 
spaceship murder mystery. Homage to Agatha Christie... Highly recommended. 

Read The Mcglincy Killings in Campbell California by Tobin Gilman  about the 
May 1896 unsolved killing of the 6 adult members of the McGlincy family. 
Interesting local history.

Impressed with Valerie Frankel’s review of his book on Amazon

During spring break she was unsuccessful at walking. 2 weeks ago slipped in a 
Taco Bell. Bruised foot and toe on the house. Went to Natural Bridges and 
tumbled down concrete steps face first... Short 2.5 hour visit to the ER. (JC 
went to the ER for a longer visit the next day)

Went to Contact on Sunday. Interesting topics. 3D modeling. The bridge on 
Science and Religion. Cultures of the imagination - alien contact. Good 
Gerold. Program was very good. Interesting guests. New management at the Domain 
messed things up. Sold half of his own books. Spring was there too. 70 people 
in attendance (could use more). Next one may be at UCSC in the summer (in a 
couple years).
Gayle. Splendid program. NASA, philosophers, biologists.

We had an auction

Meeting adjourned at: 21:25 (ish) and the rumor of the week was:  You don’t 
know the power of the dark side. 

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