If the problem is still not solved, please provide more details:
1. What is the version of Basket?
2. Did you use tar.gz backup or Move to another folder?
3. Do you now have baskets with no notes or empty basket tree?
4. Check the contents of basket data folder (see Backup & Restore dialog, "Your baskets are currently stored in that folder").
If you open one of the baskets/basketXX subfolders, does it contain
  - .basket (hidden file)?
  - html files?
Also, is there .git (hidden folder) in basket data folder?
(you need to enable display of hidden files or use 'ls -a' in the terminal)

An example of using terminal commands on my system:
cd ~/.kde/share/apps/basket
ls -a baskets/basket65
.  ..  .basket  note1.html  note33.html
ls -a .git
ls: cannot access .git: No such file or directory

Best regards,

28.08.2017 21:51, Hugh Reid via Basket-devel wrote:
Thinking it would help me create a backup on a different storage device
before upgrading my OS, I changed the location where BasKet Note Pad
saves its notes.

On doing that all the notes disappeared. I found the data in html format
and moved the files (in basket folders) to the new location, but I still
can't open anything.

What do I do?



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