At 2:25 PM -0600 3/21/09, Doug McNutt didst inscribe upon an 
electronic papyrus:

>Here's what the first few lines looks like when opened with BBEdit
>1 0 obj
>/Fields [
>/V (¦  l i n e   1 4)
>/T (¦  f 1 _ 0 5 8 \( 0 \))
>/V (¦  l i n e   1 5)
>/T (¦  f 1 _ 0 6 0 \( 0 \))
>/V (¦  l i n e   6)
>/T (¦  f 1 _ 0 4 2 \( 0 \))

>It appears that the parentheses that are not escaped designate blocks
>that are encoded as UTF16. They begin with an FEFF code point which
>is surely a byte order mark. After that there are 16 bit entries the
>first byte of which is a null for every file I have looked at.  The
>escaped parentheses are there because the author of the PDF used
>parentheses in his definitions of the form names. Note though that
>the backslash escape character is preceded by a null but the
>parenthesis following it is not.

Yeah, that's the tricky part. I was going to suggest extracting the 
UTF16 parentheticals, but those un-prefixed parens complicate the 
process. Then again, Perl is quite capable of parsing that (as opaque 
bytes), so I guess my recommendation would be to have a script that 
splits the .fdf into, say, .fdf-t and .fdf-u files where the '-u' 
contains all the unicode strings (minus the BOMs) and the '-t' 
contains the rest, with some unique placeholder where the strings 
were so that the edited '-u' file can be recombined with it.

Maybe use the same script for splitting and recombining: foo.fdf foo.fdf-t foo.fdf-u  # check arg value for suffix, pass to 'if' block
fdf foo.fdf-*               # if you handle globbing via shell-alias

Umm, are *all* the un-prefixed parens of the pattern shown? that is, 
around an ASCII 0 and at the end of the string? (sounds like a 
stylish CSTR, hehe). If so, that makes it easy -- just leave that 
part in the '-t' file.

I take it the Unicode strings are the only part you want to edit in BBEdit?


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