On Mar 25, 2010, at 3:27 PM, Robert A. Rosenberg wrote:

> At 01:40 -0700 on 03/25/2010, fritz wrote about Change to Open Hidden?!?!:
>> Okay, seriously, this is asinine.
>> I just "upgraded" to the latest 9.3.1 and I went to edit my hosts
>> file.  I hit "File->Open Hidden" and ... hey, wait, NO hidden files
>> are showing!
>> I'm like, WTF, why aren't you showing my hidden files?!?
>> I cancel out and hit "File->Open" to see if, on the off chance, that
>> it might show my hidden files there.  Nope, not there either.
>> So, I have to go back to the finder and nav to the etc folder manually
>> so I can drag my hosts file onto BBEdit.
>> When I'm done, I check the internets to find out that you've added a
>> checkbox to Show Hidden Files.  WTF!??!?!
>> [snip]
> The two options serve different purposes. The File->Open Hidden is designed 
> to parse the directory and only show Hidden Files. The Check Box is to 
> display hidden files in addition to the normal ones when you use Open. The 
> problem is that the state of the check box should not be consulted when you 
> do an Open Hidden only when you do an Open. When checked ALL files in the 
> directory should be displayed while when unchecked only normal files should 
> display. As noted, Open Hidden should ALWAYS display all the hidden files.

Nope, I agree with Fritz.  The Open and Open Hidden commands do exactly the 
same thing now and the check box is persistent between the two.  

As for  Open Hidden showing ONLY the hidden files, this would only be confusing 
as you would loose the context of the regular files.  

It is not a bad idea to have a show hidden checkbox in the Open dialog as you 
may realize that you need a hidden file after you do the open, but it would be 
better if this was non-persistant, along with an Open Hidden that performed as 

Think about the command line: you use ls to view a dir, then if you want to see 
the hidden files you use ls -a.  The next time you use ls the -a is not assumed 
(ie non-persistant).

my 2ยข


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