s.cls wrote:
I like BBEdit but Sublime Text is also a very interesting text editor.
One feature is very useful and I would love to have it in BBEdit : full page source code preview (top right)
It will be nice to have this kind of feature
Are you talking about Sublime Text's "Minimap" that shows you the whole file you're working on in tiny tiny text along the right edge? "Preview" is quite a different thing in BBEdit-speak.

It would be my guess as someone who's been an on-and-off BBEdit user since 2002 or so that this is not the sort of feature that Bare Bones is likely to be enthusiastic about, but it can never hurt to send in a feature request. You should do that through the address on the Bare Bones web site, though, so it goes into their tracking system.

This is the BBEdit Talk public discussion group. If you have a feature request or would like to report a problem, please email
"supp...@barebones.com" rather than posting to the group.
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