On Apr 24, 2015, at 11:13, Watts Martin <lay...@gmail.com> wrote:
> «event ¶erlRFtr» markdown with «class o2sl»
> …
> Now, you may wonder what that line with "event garble markdown with class 
> garble" is, and the answer is: I don't know.

Hey Watts,

Yes.  That gook is the raw event syntax and typically means it's unavailable 
for compilation - e.g. broken for some reason.

> I saw that the BBEdit 11 release notes include the note "The AppleScript 
> commands for running #! filters have been removed," which I suspect is the 
> culprit here.

Yes; it is.

I'm not entirely thrilled about this change, but on the other hand one can run 
shell scripts directly from AppleScript.

> Okay: so what's the new way to accomplish this?

See p. 35 of the manual (Text Filters).

It's sparse but should be read.

There may be a minor problem with the RunFromBBEdit handler, and I'm checking 
into it.  Nevertheless this works.

on RunFromBBEdit(_range)
  if _range as text = "" then
    set _text to text of front document
    set text of front document to "•• " & _text & " ••"
    return ""
    set selectedText to _range as text
    set myProcessedText to "•• " & selectedText & " ••"
    return myProcessedText
  end if
end RunFromBBEdit

> Ideally, it should do what the old script did, which is apply the Unix script 
> to either selected text or the whole document if nothing is selected.

In this case I don't see any point to running an AppleScript as a text-filter.

My inclination would probably be to write the selection/document to a temp-file 
and pass that to your executable which would save a lot of grief in dealing 
with text fed to it - such as quoting and command-length.

The following script is off-the-cuff and rough, but it works and may give you 
some ideas.


set tempFile to (POSIX path of (path to temporary items folder as text)) & 
set _script to POSIX path of ((path to home folder as text) & 

tell application "BBEdit"
  tell front text window
    set _text to selection
    if class of _text = insertion point then
      set _text to its text
      set outputType to "document"
    else if class of _text = character then
      set _text to _text as text
      set outputType to "selection"
    end if
  end tell
end tell

if _text ≠ "" then
  writeUTF8(_text, tempFile)
  set shCmd to quoted form of _script & space & quoted form of tempFile
  set outputText to do shell script shCmd
  tell application "BBEdit"
    tell front text window
      if outputType is "document" then
        set its text to outputText
      else if outputType is "selection" then
        set selection to outputText
      end if
    end tell
  end tell
end if

--» writeUTF8()
--  Task: Write text to a file as UTF8 and overwrite any content.
--  dMod: 2012/10/26 20:00
on writeUTF8(_text, _file)
    if _file starts with "~/" then
      set _file to POSIX path of (path to home folder as text) & text 3 thru -1 
of _file
    end if
    set fRef to open for access _file with write permission
    set eof of fRef to 0
    write _text to fRef as «class utf8»
    close access fRef
  on error e number n
      close access fRef
    on error e number n
      error "Error in writeUTF8() handler!" & return & return & e
    end try
  end try
end writeUTF8

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