On 2010-04-20, LuKreme wrote:

On 19-Apr-2010, at 09:35, stratboy wrote:
  Are you? Is there a release date?

Wasn't there a new release just a few months ago?


Oh, there you go, being factual and logical.

Unfortunately, the OP has caught a potentially serious case of an ITD the leads to addiction to whatever is coming next instead of what is here now.

A key symptom is that the OP didn't have a feature request or bug-fix in mind. Just a "new version."

This disease can cause unfortunates to seek constant stimulation from technological change, distorting perceptions so that each incremental improvement is seen as potentially revolutionary, only to be followed by an emotional and physiological crash when life turns out to be the same after all. Partial recovery occurs, but another cycle of excitement and crash usually commences within a short time.

That this addiction is pernicious, and as with many addictions alters thought processes, is shown by a simple test that may be self-administered:

Consider the ancient wisdom: "Want what you have." Does this ring true to you, or as soon as you read it did you start thinking of why it's wrong, or doesn't apply to your (my) desire for the stimulation from the new?

(It is certainly wrong for those who "have" lives limited by racism, sexism, exploitation, environmental degradation.)

Computers and software have never been more powerful and versatile, and of course by the nature of semiconductor technology and the potential permutations of software languages, they will get more so in perpetuity.

But the only time we get to use these things is now. So get back to work/play with the means at hand, instead of wasting cycles and delaying your life for what might come next.

   - Bruce


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