At 08:35 AM -0800 on 03/04/2011, Kim Mosley wrote about Problem with unicode and Tidy:

When I use Tidy (either clean or reflow) the unicode is converted to
an em dash... which then is displayed as trash in Safari. Please help!
I need to use Tidy for formatting... but I don't want it to change

Winedale Spring Festival—Last weekend of March or First weekend
in April

I assume when you say the Unicode is converted to an em dash, you mean that a numbered entry (—) is converted into the character it represents (ie: the em dash "‹"). You also state this is displayed as junk by which I assume you mean as 3 characters (xE2 x80 x94 ie: â Ä ê). That means that it is being saved as UTF-8. Is your Charset UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1. If the latter then that is your problem. You nust tell Safari that the HTML is UTF=8 for it to display correctly by converting the 3 character UTF-8 string back into the em dash glyph.

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