> On Sep 26, 2022, at 08:22, Lionel <att...@free.fr> wrote:
> AppleScript is not really a friend of regex ;-) You have to test the text to 
> transform with BBEdit and then translate it into AppleScript string to 
> incorporate it into the script. 
> And sometimes it doesn't work, for example with \x20{6} supposed to replace 
> six spaces. Is there a way to enter in AppleScript the same plain text used 
> in BBEdit, with a tell statement for exemple ?

Hey Lionel,

I suppose you could look at it that way.  I know I cussed and carried on about 
having to manage quoting strings in AppleScript strings for a while. I even had 
a routine that did all the work on the clipboard with a regex osax way back in 
the day.

Then I bought Script Debugger <https://latenightsw.com/> which has a built-in 
command for pasting-quoted, and I never looked back.

Keep in mind that the back-slash is a reserved character in AppleScript and as 
such must be escaped to be used as a literal.

tell application "BBEdit"
    tell front text window's text
        replace "\\x20{6}" using "••••••" options {search mode:grep, case 
sensitive:false, starting at top:true}
    end tell
end tell

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