Title: Re: DE products distinguished
Thanks Frank,
for having the clarity of which is how.
To further clarify calcined or sintered products are intended as filtering material and is indeed deleterious and to be avoided.

I have seen it in feed stores and got blank who cares from managers.
My chickens think 20% usp DE with the remainder Redmond clay as the best for winter dust bathing! I get it from our food co-op suppliers. 1/8 cup in a white bucket full of rice lidded & shaken & rolled well is cupboard moth proofed and rinses off quickly.


From: "Frank Teuton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 14:48:50 -0500
Subject: DE products distinguished

Missing in the DE discussion is the issue of grade or quality of material.
Calcined DE, which has been heated, is typically worthless as an insectide
(or other pest control) and is much more hazardous to inhale, as the
calcining process rounds off the sharp points and changes most of the silica
from amorphous to crystalline, which is the carcinogenic form of silica.





" The only health precautions that need to be taken are that if large areas
are being treated with a power duster, the applicator should wear a mask to
prevent inhalation. Because DE is made of silica, people sometimes
mistakenly think that DE causes silicosis. As indicated above, however,
pesticide quality DE is usually over 97 per cent amorphous silica, which
does not cause silicosis, which is associated only with crystalline silica.
Indeed, inhalation of road dust and grain dust IS likely to be more harmful
than DE. "


So be sure, if you do use DE, that you have the right stuff.

And, don't inhale excess dust if you can help it. Of any kind.

Frank Teuton

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