Title: Deer [was Re: But What Did the Cow Have for Lunch?]
Jane wrote:
I prefer eating wild venison over other game, but am wondering how much
longer I will think it safe to eat this, with your recent reports, Markess.

Yes venison is great eating, I had cut way back in my consumption in that at least here it is as far from organic you can get. They can feed in fields min. after the spray truck leaves.
I had not been eating the liver for several seasons for it tested poorly Radionicly, i.e. low vitality.

How is the hunter/gatherer struggle to wipe out the deer herd going?

Please join with us in holding Love & Light for a transformation of the DNR Tomorrow (Fri 7th) evening at 8 PM CST (-5 UT).
The slaughter officially starts 1/2hr before sunrise Sat 8th.4:47. This looks to be auspiciously good timing as Mercury does not station direct till 10:12 our time This to my meager understand puts them literally jumping the gun assumedly a very fatal error for the outing. The lost of human life in this season from firearms in the fields & woods seems more then likely.

The landowner permits were issued last week, 500 of them. I know of some 50 which will be sat on as a protest. These are not 500 properties as multiples were given to each applicant.

The DNR intend to authorize the blood shed only one week per month for the four months of summer. The helicopter flights are frequent who know what all they imagine they can do. I use to smirk at talk of the "black helicopters" no more.

The CAIDS-WI web site is very active feel free to join on line from anywhere!
Down load the petition get it filled & mail it to me we will include it in the law suite in a few weeks.

There is a CAIDS meeting/rally being held next WEN the 12th at 7:30 in the evening.
We are doing a direct mailing to 2,500 land owners in the "Zone". Our hall will hold 300 + barroom & volleyball court, a traffic jam would be great!. Media from Chicago & Twin Cities, Milwaukee, La Cross & Green Bay and of course Madison.

Send aid for this also.

I have every confidence we will be successful.
The "WILD" is standing up & taking it's own destiny back!

Thanks for getting me to sit still and write you all.

In Love & Light

----- Original Message -----
From: "Moen Creek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 10:11 PM
Subject: But What Did the Cow Have for Lunch?

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