----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 10:25 AM
Subject: Fw: Companions for apples in NZ/inc. parasitoids of leafroller/Canadian. apple biocontrol

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 10:15 AM
Subject: Companions for apples in NZ/inc. parasitoids of leafroller/Canadian. apple biocontrol

    Buckwheat (fagopyrum sp.) was selected for interplanting in apple and vinyards because it is an annual that germinates in 3 days, has flowers in 6-7 weeks and has lots of easily accessible nectar for parasitoids (beneficial parasitic wasps).  Fava bean (Vicia faba) was selected for its early spring extra-floral nectaries.  Other fava (Phacelia sp.) was selected in part because its unique pollen morphology allows easy tracking of insect movement ( eg. Syrphid fly gut analysis).
   Buckwheat underplanted with apple trees increased leafroller parasitoid numbers by 1000%. Fecundity (reproducibility) of the parasitoids increased by 300% and longevity by 600%; all in comparison with other underplantings such as clover and rye.
Dr. Stephen Wratten, Lincold U, Canterbury, NZ)
  Beneficial and pest populations in apple orchards were monitored over a 3 yr. period with underplantingfs of yarrow, tansy and Alaska white chrysanthemum.  Change is slower with planting as cover crops in existing orchards as opposed to spraying pesticides at the beginning of the trial, which "changes the entomological zoo overnight".  Companion planting redu;ced damage from apples pests such as tarnished plant bug (Lygus sp.), apple sawfly and plum curculio (Conotrachelus neuphar from 64% to 2%).  Parasitic wasp and fly populations increased 400-500%.
  About 20-25% of the area was set aside fro companion plants, which were planted about 6 meters from the orchard trees.
Noubar Bostanian, Apric. & Agri-Food Canada, St. Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC, Canada)
IPM Practitioner, V. XXIV, $1, Jan. 2002

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