>To:  All concerned
>From:  Jerry Brunetti
>I read your e-mail of 3/7/02 re: equisetum to create an optimum tea. 
>How much dried horsetail per gallon of tea are you using?  We have a 
>35 gallon tank and are including cereal straws and oak bark, as well 
>as misc. sugars, starches, kelp, etc to also grow the bacteria.  We 
>are getting very good fungal counts, but Think much of that is from 
>the fact that 1/3 of our compost is derived from composted deciduous 
>leaves, bark and twigs.  Where are you having your analysis done- at 
>SFI?  It's clear that straw, bark, and horsetail all have high 
>levels of silica witch apparently suppresses/deters disease fungus, 
>while simultaneously encouraging healthy fungus.  Another example of 
>Amphoteris forces at work.

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