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Thread-Topic: The Rodale Institute and the return of The New FarmŽ
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Date:         Tue, 10 Dec 2002 11:47:28 -0500
Reply-To: Sustainable Agriculture Network Discussion Group
Sender: Sustainable Agriculture Network Discussion Group
From: "Lotter, Don" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The Rodale Institute and the return of The New FarmŽ

Anthony Rodale's executive assistant, Susan B. Dorschutz, asked me
to post the following update on The Rodale Institute in order to
follow up on last week's SANET postings about J.I. and Robert Rodale.

Don Lotter, Ph.D.
The Rodale Institute
611 Siegfriedale Rd.
Kutztown, PA  19530

3rd Generation leadership of The Rodale Institute and the return of
The New FarmŽ  Moving to Regenerative Agriculture -- A Matter of

Anthony Rodale, Chairman of the Rodale Institute, spearheads The
Institute in its mission to move the U.S., and indeed, the world,
toward sustainable, "regenerative" agriculture. The challenges are
dire. Synthetic chemicals that large, conventional agriculture uses
by the ton leave residues. These poisons can remain in our soil and
water as well as in the food we consume. At the same time, Americans
are increasingly obese, while people in developing countries suffer
starvation. Something is profoundly wrong with the way we are
growing and consuming food, and Anthony Rodale is doing something
about it. Anthony advances the concept of "regenerative" agriculture
that emphasizes healthy soil and its relationship to healthy food,
human health and the environment. Through the Institute's
educational and research efforts, Anthony is bringing new levels of
awareness to regenerative agriculture. He is specifically targeting
the two most important change agents of all for agriculture and
food: farmers and children.

This year, Anthony has led the Institute in launching two new
websites (September 2002),, aimed at farmers and (November 2001), headed by Anthony's wife, Florence,
aimed at children. The websites extend the Institute's educational
reach around the world in a cost-effective way, carrying the main
message: healthy soil = healthy food = healthy people: It's a matter
of survival. Also, this year, the Institute has partnered with
several academic institutions, such as the University of Wisconsin,
on research projects and with several governments in the developing

The move towards regenerative agriculture The Rodale Institute has
led for 60 years, is far from being a fad. In large part, through
The Rodale Institute's leadership, the organic food business, has
grown to $10 billon per year in the U.S., alone, representing the
fastest-growing segment of the food industry. In October, 2002, the
US Department of Agriculture instituted precise labeling guidelines
for organic foods. The movement that Anthony's grandfather and
father started more than 60 years ago, is today, under Anthony's
leadership, bearing very healthful fruit indeed.

"Nature is giving us a silent environmental wake up call! We have
all the knowledge to make positive changes today, for us and future
generations. Tomorrow will be to late!" ---- Anthony Rodale,
Chairman, The Rodale Institute

Susan B. Dorschutz

The Rodale Institute

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