Thimerosal Linked to Autism in Confidential CDC Study

Controversy is mounting regarding the Center for Disease Control's
(CDC) Thimerosal Vaccine Safety Data-Link Study (VSD) presented to
the public at the July 15, 2001, Institute of Medicine (IOM) meeting
on "Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes."
Thimerosal is the mercury preservative used in vaccines and other
biologics.  The CDC study evaluated nuerodevelopmental injury and
cumulative exposures to Thimerosal at one and three months of age by
studying the health records of over 100,000 children at four HMOs.

The organization SAFEMINDS (Sensible Action for Ending
Mercury-Induced Neurological Disorders) has obtained an earlier,
confidential February 2000 version of the VSD study through the
Freedom of Information Act, as well as transcripts from a scientific
review of this earlier study, which took place at Simpsonwood Retreat
Center in Georgia. Serious disparities exist between the
neurodevelopmental outcomes of the two different versions of the
study.  For over a year, SAFEMINDS and Congressman Dan Burton (R-
Indiana) have been requesting the VSD raw data from the CDC for
independent review.  So far their requests have been denied.

The Texas firm Waters and Kraus leads the consortium of 25 law firms
in as many states in the first civil suit brought against vaccine
manufacturers and alleges that the February 2000 confidential version
of the VSD study clearly demonstrates "an exposure to more than 62.5
micrograms of mercury within the first three months of life
significantly increases a child's risk of developing
nuerodevelopmental orders such as speech and language delay, autism,
stuttering, and attention deficit disorder."  In fact, the study
indicates that children at this exposure level are more than twice as
likely (2.48) to develop autism as those not exposed.  Waters and
Kraus note: "Courts of law have generally upheld that a relative risk
of 2.0 or higher is sufficient to substantiate that a given exposure
causes disease.

When the VSD study was presented at the July 2001 IOM meeting, the
relative risk of autism had been reduced to 1.69.  According to Mark
Blaxill of SAFEMINDS, all previous versions of the study had used the
same dataset.  Yet for the version presented at the IOM meeting had
an additional 34,334 children added to the database. The majority of
the additional children were added by altering the inclusion
criteria, as well as by updating the HMO data cycle by adding an
additional year, 1998.  The additional children were too young to
have been diagnosed autistic since they were just turning two at the
time the analysis was performed.  Autism is diagnosed on the average
at 44 months.

When the author of the VSD study, Tom Verstraeten, first presented the
confidential version for scientific review by a panel of experts at
Simpsonwood in June 2000, he said, "One thing that is for sure, there
is certainly an under-ascertainment of all these [neurodevelopmental
disorders] because some of the children are just not old enough to be
diagnosed. So the crude incidence rates
are probably much lower than what you would expect because the cohort
is still very young."

The FDA and EPA called for the removal of mercury in infant vaccines
beginning in 1999.  At that time, vaccine manufacturers agreed to
have thimerosal-free vaccines available at the beginning of 2001 and
later offered voluntary exchange for all remaining thimerosal
vaccines still on the shelf.  In July of 1999, the American Academy
of Pediatrics (AAP), under the leadership of pediatric vaccinologist
Dr. Neal A. Halsey, met with officials from the CDC to ask that the
birth dose of Hepatitis B be pushed back as far as six months of age.
The CDC and members of its National Immunization Program (NIP)
refused, arguing that there was no evidence of harm done.  They
didn't want to undermine public confidence in the vaccination
program.  After much negotiation, the CDC released an ambiguous and
weak statement that suggested that in certain low-risk populations
physicians could wait until babies were two months of age before they
administered their first hepatitis B vaccine.

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), the CDC
committee that recommends the vaccines for the Childhood Immunization
Schedule, has yet to state a preference for thimerosal-free
vaccines.  It was the ACIP that approved of the additions to the
Childhood Immunization Schedule of hepatitis B and Hib in the late
1980s and early 1990s, two thimerosal-containing vaccines that pushed
infant ethyl mercury exposure levels far above any existing federal
methyl mercury exposure guidelines.

At the June 200o Simpsonwood meeting, the following comment was made
by a participant, "This association leads me to favor a
recommendation that infants up to two years old not be immunized with
thimerosal-containing vaccines if suitable alternative preparations
are available. Forgive this personal comment, but I got called out at
eight o'clock for an emergency phone call, and my daughter-in-law
delivered a son by C-section. [This is] our first male in the line of
the next generation, and I do not want that grandson to get a
thimerosal-containing vaccine until we know better what is going on."

SAFEMINDS, a group founded by parents of children suffering from what
they know to be mercury-induced neurological disorders, believes that
everybody's child should have had this knowledge and option in June
of 2000.

Just how much thimerosal is too much for an infant? It depends
on whom you ask. Chair of the IOM's Immunization Safety Review
Committee, Dr. Marie McCormick, gave assurances to the public last
October that it would be rare for any child who follows the vaccine
schedule to exceed federal guidelines for methyl mercury exposure.
Yet the confidential CDC study found that "the majority of children
in their cohort exceeded the EPA limits at one and three months of
age." The EPA guidelines allow for 0.1 mcg per kilogram of body
weight per day.  Depending on her weight, a three-month-old infant
who received 62.5 micrograms of mercury in one day would exceed the
EPA guidelines upwards of 78 times.  And, as researchers were quick
to point out at the latest IOM meeting on thimerosal, the EPA's safe
limit is based on gradually ingested methyl mercury via fish
consumption. It was never meant to be used as a safety limit for
injected bolus doses of ethyl mercury, which permeate the blood-brain

According to Dr. Boyd Haley, head of the chemistry department at the
University of Kentucky, and an internationally recognized researcher
on the toxicity of mercury compounds, says no amount of thimerosal is
a safe amount. He says, "It is well known that infants do not produce
significant levels of bile or have adult renal capacity for several
months after birth. Bilary transport is the major biochemical route
by which mercury is removed from the body, and infants cannot do this
very well." Haley adds that thimerosal is more toxic than mercury and
that "giving a ten-pound infant a single vaccine in a day is the
equivalent of giving a 100 pound adult 40 vaccines in a day." He goes
on to say, "We are not talking about causing death; we are talking
about causing autism.  As a scientist, you have to ask yourself,
what's the most obvious neurotoxin that these children are being
exposed to that could cause this? Thimerosal."

According to a participant at the scientific review of the
confidential CDC study held at Simpsonwood, "The number of dose-
related relationships are linear and statistically significant.  You
can play with the numbers all you want.  They are linear. The
increased incidence of neurobehavioral problems in the past few
decades is probably real.  I work in the school system where my
effort is entirely special education, and I have to say that the
numbers of kids getting help in special education is growing
nationally and state by state at a rate we have not seen before.we
don't see that kind of genetic change in 30 years."

It is now estimated that 17 percent of US children under the age of
18 are suffering from learning and/or behavioral disabilities.
California's Department of Developmental Services just released it
sobering statistics for 2001. It reported a 20 percent increase over
the previous year 2000 for diagnoses of level-one autism.  Level-one
autism is the number one disability in the state of California,
accounting for 35 percent of all new cases. Of the 16,802 persons
with level-one autism in the California system, two-thirds of them
are between the ages of birth and 13.

How could a mistake of such magnitude have been made---one that has
seemingly impacted a generation of children around the world? The FDA
approves vaccines in a vacuum; they are not required to study
cumulative exposures or the synergistic effects of receiving multiple
vaccines in a single day.  After the FDA approves a vaccine, it is
reviewed for inclusion on the CDC's Advisory Committee on
Immunization Practices (ACIP) vaccine schedule. In reviewing policy
decisions that brought about the approval of the ill-fated rotavirus
vaccine, Congressman Dan Burton found that the ACIP is riddled with
conflicts of interest: committee members own stock in drug companies
that make vaccines; committee members own patents for vaccines;
conflicts of interest waivers are granted for members for a year at a
time, and there are no public members or parents who have a vote in
the same committee.

Executive Director of the American Association of Physicians and
Surgeons Jane Orient, MD, has long argued that because vaccines are
state and federally mandated, the manufacturer and the physician are
relieved of liability for adverse effects. On the other hand,
physicians who advise against a mandated vaccine face increased legal
liability if a patient is infected with that disease.  Neither
vaccine manufacturers nor medical personnel have any impetus to
follow up on the safety or rationale of the product they are

It has been almost three years since Lynn Redwood, a nurse, mother of
an autistic son, and one of the founders and current president of
SAFEMINDS, first came across an FDA report mentioning that children
who received vaccines within thimerosal might possibly exceed federal
guidelines for mercury exposure.  She went on to have a lock of her
son's hair tested, and it revealed levels of mercury and aluminum at
almost five times the acceptable amount.  Redwood says, "I want
parents to know what happened to their children, and I am starting to
lose faith that our government and its various agencies are doing
anything about this."

For more information, see:

Waters and Kraus: or e-mail:

(Written by Amy Morrison. Published in the March/April 2002 issue of
Mothering Magazine)

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