[beagleboard] Re: USB Error (Errno 110) Timeout Issue, Kernel issue?

2017-07-17 Thread Stephen Agate
I'm afraid that this is only a "me too" post. I have a USB sound card, which works fine on other systems, but produces the warning from the USB driver when it is asked to play audio (100% reproducible). I've tried various kernels & all exhibit the fault: - Vanilla 4.11.5 - 4.9 LTS

[beagleboard] Re: UART loopback

2015-01-16 Thread Stephen Agate
I have the same problem too on the 3.18.1 kernel. It can be fixed by initialising the port first, with something like: stty -F /dev/ttyO1 raw clocal -crtscts -echo S. -- For more options, visit http://beagleboard.org/discuss --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the

Re: [beagleboard] Boot fails with microSD: ** Bad partition specification mmc 1:2 **

2013-09-26 Thread Stephen Agate
I thought (and hoped) the problem was due to the missing of CR-LF at the end of the uEnv.txt as I read in other posts, but it is not :( I have read that it must be in Unix format, but you imply yours is in DOS format. -- For more options, visit http://beagleboard.org/discuss --- You