
I would like to ask about some specifics of the BeagleBone AI board 

I am currently working on a study targeting AI accelerator modules and 
development boards. We are interested in the  BeagleBone AI board as it 
might fit the requirements of our client who wishes to enroll a large-scale 
deployment (thousands of modules) in a few years.

I am currently missing the following information:

1. Operating lifetime (in years)
Some manufacturers (e.g., Nvidia) provide an estimate of the operating 
lifetime of their modules in hours or years.

2. Product lifecycle
We need this information to understand until when the  BeagleBone AI board 
will be available on the market.

3. Warranty
Is there any warranty defined by the manufacturer on the BeagleBone AI 

4. Operating temperature range
What is the temperature range for the operation of the BeagleBone AI board?

5. Compliance
The system reference manual defines the CE compliance as TBD 
Is the board currently compliant with EU standards ?

Many thanks in advance for your assistance.

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