Hi, I've just installed the newest official Debian Image (3-27 flashing) 
into eMMC and when attempting to use a WiFi dongle the board slow down to 
unusable speeds. Just typing through ssh can take 8-10 seconds for the 
characters to appear, but they will appear in groups so they are being 
cached somewhere then when the board gets around to it they are displayed. 
I've tried two separate dongles which are:


and both have the same issues.

The install is pretty much non-modified. All I have done since setting it 
up has been to change the default password, setup my own user account, and 
uncomment the following four lines in /etc/networking/interfaces

auto wlan 0
iface wlan 0 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid "essid"
wpa-psk "password"

of course I changed the ssid and password to those for my network. The 
board does receive a connection to the router and I can ssh into it through 
the wifi, but about a minute after booting it slows right down.

I have attempted this through both a USB connection to my computer as well 
as with a 5V 2A power supply.

Any help would be appreciated.


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