I've got a RS232 micro cape 
http://www.logicsupply.com/components/beaglebone/capes/cbb-ttl-232/ that I 
need to use as a serial port.  The problem is that by default /dev/ttyO0 is 
setup as a login console.  I need to disable that so that I can use the 
port for my own purposes.

I've found instructions for how to do it on Rasbian but I can't find 
anything for the Beaglebone.  I found a line in /etc/inittab that looked 
like it was starting a getty session on /dev/ttyO0 and I commented it out 
but after a reboot, the login is still there.

I found some references to inittab being obsolete because systemd doesn't 
use it but I can't find anything to configure systemd so it doesn't use 

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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