> On Dec 23, 2017, at 10:20 PM, Raf Czlonka <rczlo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 06:32:30PM GMT, Adrian Sampson wrote:
>> While I’m here, I wanted to remind this list that discussion is slowly 
>> transitioning away from this Google Group and to our Discourse instance. 
>> Here, for example, is the equivalent post announcing 1.4.6 there:
>> https://discourse.beets.io/t/ann-beets-1-4-6/249
>> We don’t have any specific plans to shut down this Google Group, but I do 
>> expect it to continue waning with time. See you on the Discourse list!
> Hi all,
> I don't know about the majority here but for me personally, Google
> Groups are just mailing lists, i.e. I use my mail client as the
> "interface".
> With the move to Discourse are you effectively changing the mailing
> list into a web forum? I've read that Discourse can also handle
> mailing lists but I couldn't find a friendly email address anywhere
> after creating an account.

Hi, Raf,

Yeah, it’s something of a trade-off. Discourse has the benefits of being more 
approachable for some people and being easier to moderate for project 
maintainers, but it’s less great at emulating a mailing list than Google Groups.

The designers of Discourse do have the stated goal of working well for 
email-focused users, but somehow they’re still only 85% there. That said, I do 
interact with Discourse primarily through email. There’s a “mailing list mode” 
checkbox in settings that sends all posts to me over email, and I can reply to 
those also via email. Hypothetically, it looks like you can also make new posts 
by emailing beets+uncategori...@discoursemail.com (and this address may even be 
customizable), but I haven’t tried that yet.

We’re still figuring things out, clearly! Thanks for your patience.


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